Supply Chain

Keep the noise down please

Keep the noise down please

By Hugh Williams

In the Williams household, the amount of bread we consume is stable and predictable. Around Bank Holidays, we stock up beforehand. But even that...

How to reel in the big cheese

How to reel in the big cheese

By Hugh Williams

How dare you waste your chief executive's time, talking about supply chain opportunities? This is of no interest to him. Surely, it is your job to...

Burning down the house

Burning down the house

By Hugh Williams

Let's be quite clear from the outset: arson is a crime. So why do we persist in lighting fires in our own businesses? Have you ever wondered how many...

Who is in and who is out of the chain?

Who is in and who is out of the chain?

By Hugh Williams

If you had asked me a few years ago which function would be the last to embrace supply chain thinking, I'd have got it wrong.Over time and despite...

Hot stuff

Hot stuff

In 2005, an illegal dye in chilli brought the herbs and spices market to its knees. But then it got up again

Delve deeper into the chain

Delve deeper into the chain

By Hugh Williams

Last month I attended a conference, which was supposedly about the latest trends in supply chain management. The tone was set by the chair whose...

Chain gang chat

Chain gang chat

By Rick Pendrous

Supply, demand and retailer promotions. Industry peers discussed supply chain issues at Food Manufacture's recent event. Rick Pendrous reports

How long is a supply chain?

How long is a supply chain?

By Hugh Williams

I bought a new calculator recently. I thought my old one was faulty: the numbers didn't add up! Let me explain. Over the past 10 years businesses...

Hijacking sales and operations planning

Hijacking sales and operations planning

By Hugh Williams

It happened to lean and also to advanced planning and scheduling before that. Now it has happened to sales and operations planning (S&OP). Some...

Stop playing the blame game

Stop playing the blame game

By Hugh Williams

Software gone bad? I'm talking about implementations that don't deliver the expected benefits, or have gone astray over time. The result is an...

New currency to replace euro

New currency to replace euro

By Hugh Williams

Pounds are becoming kilos. You are probably thinking that I am about to re-launch the debate of imperial versus metric. I'm not. I'm talking about...

Sometimes duplication is necessary

Sometimes duplication is necessary

By Hugh Williams

I find it fascinating to watch a business open up to supply chain thinking. One day it operates in isolation, mistrusting the competition, suppliers...

How to be green and lean

How to be green and lean

By Hugh Williams

And I thought that after many years of slow but locally efficient supply chains, lean had taken over: you signed up to the fact that sending a...

Grabbing the supply chain by the crust ...

Grabbing the supply chain by the crust ...

By Hugh Williams

You know it will happen, every time: you grab that slice of pizza by the crust; you give it a nudge with the knife in the hope of a clean cut; then,...

Stock cuts lead to supply chaos

Stock cuts lead to supply chaos

The latest efforts by retailers to cut lead-times, inventory and infrastructure investment are headed towards perdition rather than supply chain...

Time to stop trucking around

Time to stop trucking around

By Elaine Watson

You take the high road ... and I'll take the high road, manufacturer urges Scottish firms

Forecasting: where art meets science

Forecasting: where art meets science

By Elaine Watson

The difference between 'JIT' (just in time) and 'JTFL' (just too f**king late), as some manufacturers politely refer to their supply chain planning...

Solutions for small deliveries

Solutions for small deliveries

By Elaine Watson

A small logistics firm offering creative solutions to the problem of distributing small loads to supermarkets and foodservice outlets is on course to...

Get a handle on your costs

Get a handle on your costs

I have written before about the way manufacturers respond to retailer 'requests' for supply chain redesign. I have urged all suppliers to get a...

Suppliers foot the bill - again

Suppliers foot the bill - again

I hear that Somerfield is aiming to increase its suppliers' cost to serve. The retailer's proposition allegedly consists of a target to cut stocks,...

Tesco admits failures

Tesco admits failures

By Elaine Watson

Retailer says its own distribution is no better than its suppliers'

Go with the flow, says Asda

Go with the flow, says Asda

We thought until earlier this month that retail-ready packaging was the main current, retailer-led change initiative.However, in October Asda...