IFST announces new president elect
The Food and Drink Federation’s chief scientific officer Helen Munday has been revealed as the new president elect of the Institute of Food Science & Technology.
Munday brings a wealth of experience to the role, including 20 years spent with Mars Petcare in various roles including nutrition research, product development and innovation processes. She also held the position of director of scientific and regulatory affairs for Coca-Cola and worked as lead technologist in Agrifood at InnovateUK.
“It’s a huge privilege for me to take up this position,” said Munday. “Both traditional and innovative food and drink products play an important role in our modern lives.
“All too often the skills and the science and technology behind them, are taken for granted. During my tenure I will do my utmost to ensure our sector’s achievements, from academic research through to commercialisation, are widely recognised and valued.”