Free-from dominates latest food innovations
Cereal, cookie, sausage and granola manufacturers all invested in the trend for free-from and launched products this month.
Find out all about these products, as well as bee-friendly healthy honey water, liquid fudge, the world’s hottest flavouring and crisps that taste of summer, in our photogallery.
Almost a quarter (23%) of non-free-from consumers have claimed free-from products that offered other benefits would appeal to them, Mintel data suggests.
Three in 10
Three in 10 people bought or ate free-from food in the six months to June 2014, with gluten-free (18%) and dairy substitutes (17%) being the most commonly purchased/eaten, it added.
Meanwhile, Innovation in food and drink will be the focus of a one-day conference on June 26, staged by’s publisher William Reed Business Media.
New Frontiers in Food and Drink will be staged in partnership with our sister titles: British Baker, Meat Trades Journal and The Grocer at etc.venues, St Pauls, London.
For more information, including how to book, visit the event website.