Anuga FoodTec 2015
Top innovations showcased at Anuga FoodTec
The share of exhibitors from outside Germany increased to 56% this year, with about 43,000 visitors expected to attend the show, which was held at Cologne’s Messe exhibition centre.
“The trade fair set a new record both in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors,” stated Katharina Hamma, chief operating officer of Koelnmesse.
Big buzz
Gold and silver medal recipients created a big buzz among delegates, with firms including GEA, Vemag, Insort and Fritsch included in the prestigious group of winners. Hygienic design, space saving and energy efficiency were key themes.
To get the low-down on these and other highlights, view our photogallery, featuring some of the best innovations and giving a flavour of some of the stands.