Potato Chip

Clipper Teas' Mark Bagwell says the new development will put operations under the same roof

Organic tea maker sets out 10-year vision

By Noli Dinkovski

Organic tea maker Clipper will be able to meet predicted growth for the next 10 years when its new “best-in class” facility opens in the autumn, according to the man in charge of overseeing the development.

The Snack, Nut and Crisp Manufacturers' Association said the results of a recent acrylamide investigation should not be looked at in isolation

Snacks sector hits back over crisp acrylamide claims

By Matt Atherton

The UK snacks manufacturers’ organisation has hit back over claims the industry was unaware of the potential risks of acrylamide, or was unwilling to take measures to reduce the levels of the cancer-causing chemical.

Crisp firm uses lasers to remove defects

Tayto uses cameras and lasers to remove crisp defects

Northern Irish crisp maker Tayto is using four new Optyx digital sorters from Key Technology to control the removal of defects and foreign material (FM) during manufacture of its batch- and continuously-fried potato chips.

A variation on ready salted

Nando's new ready salted inspired flavour

By Nicholas Robinson

Chicken restaurant chain Nandos is extending its flame-grilled Peri Peri chicken flavour portfolio of Grooves Cut potato crisps by adding a new Peri-Salted product.

Crisp production will rise from 96,000 to 201,000 150g bags a shift

Site move creates jobs and doubles Mackie's production

By Rick Pendrous

Scottish potato crisp company Mackie's at Taypack is set to double its output after developing a new manufacturing facility in Errol, which is 60% bigger than its current unit at nearby Moncur, Perthshire.

More than 60 fire-fighters tackled the blaze

Real Crisp factory blaze in Wales

By Laurence Gibbons

More than 60 fire-fighters and 20 fire engines fought a major blaze yesterday (September 20) at the Real Crisp factory in Caerphilly, South Wales.

Crisp competition drives Kettle expansion

Crisp competition drives Kettle expansion

By Anne Bruce

Kettle Chips will shortly begin work on a £6.8m investment in extra production facilities at its Norwich base, in a move that could create up to 35 new jobs.

Food to die for?

Food to die for?

By Sarah Britton

Fearful that a carcinogenic ingredient may be cancerous to its reputation, the food industry is pulling out all the stops to cut acrylamide levels. Sarah Britton reports

Plain crazy

Plain crazy

Boring old 'ready salted' still dominates savoury snack sales, but spicy flavours are starting to heat up, as Mick Whitworth reports