Organic Food

A blockchain study lets shoppers monitor organic bacon provenance

Blockchain takes off in food and drink

By Rick Pendrous

The pursuit of improved traceability and fraud prevention along the global food supply chain has resulted in the increased use of sophisticated computer systems, which allow secure information sharing between those involved in transactions along the chain.

Tesco's organic food sales rose 15% over the past year

Tesco’s organic sales climb 15%

By Matt Atherton

Tesco’s total organic food sales increased 15% over the past year, the supermarket revealed, as organic fish and dairy products proved more popular with shoppers.

Organic sales are rising, fuelled by more spending from younger consumers

Organic grocery market ‘outpaces non organic’

By Michael Stones

Sales of organic grocery products climbed by 4.9% last year to £1.95bn – outstripping the non-organic grocery market which decreased by 0.9% – according to the Soil Association’s 2016 Organic Market Report.

The GM debate has become tedious, complained Helen Browning

Soil Association seeks new areas

By Nicholas Robinson

Soil Association boss Helen Browning will push the organisation forward, she tells Nicholas Robinson

Thin end of the organic veg? Organic food could become the next cut price battleground

Aldi’s organics entry could cause a price war

By Nicholas Robinson

Organic food could become the next battleground in the supermarket price war, Helen Browning, chief executive of the Soil Association, has warned after Aldi’s move into the sector.

UK organic dairy production rose by 4.4% in 2013

Trioni gains access to £5bn export market

By Nicholas Robinson

China’s £5bn organic export market has opened up to dairy producers after the Welsh organic dairy company Trioni achieved accreditation from the country.  

Chinese consumers are looking for food they can trust, says Soil Association senior certification manager Emma Yeats

£5bn export opportunities for UK organic food firms

By Nicholas Robinson

A potential £5bn export market to China has been opened for UK organic food and drink manufacturers, following a Soil Association deal with China’s Organic Food Development Centre (OFDC).

Farmers should promote their produce’s organic status, says Crichton

More farmers become food manufacturers

By Nicholas Robinson

Organic farmers are increasingly moving into food manufacturing in search of higher margins and greater financial security, it has emerged.

UK organic sales rose by 2.8% to £1.79bn last year, according to the Soil Association

Producers urged to return to organic

By Nicholas Robinson

Domestic producers must stop abandoning organic food or lose out to importers, as the category shows the first signs of UK growth in five years, the Soil Association has warned.

The UK organic market posted negative growth for 2011, despite soaring sales in Europe and worldwide

Organic food market needs government backing

By Dan Colombini

Government support for the organic food market in Britain is vital, according to the Soil Association, after the latest figures showed that a slump in the UK market had bucked the trend of soaring sales across Europe.

Organic food firm What on Earth's decision to trade with independent retailers has resulted in a strong 2011 performance

Supermarkets blamed for organic market slump

By Dan Colombini

The decision by UK supermarkets to cut shelf-space for less profitable products has hit sales in the organic food market, according to industry representatives.

Daniels could now expand overseas

Daniels Group takeover will spark product swap

By Rod Addy

Hain Celestial’s acquisition of Daniels Group for £144M would allow it to introduce US brands to the UK market and give Daniels the scale to expand in Europe and across the Atlantic.

UK producers say they stand alone as DEFRA rules out cash for organics

UK producers say they stand alone as DEFRA rules out cash for organics

By Ben Bouckley

DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) has ruled out financial support for the organic industry, despite producers saying they stand alone and a Soil Association (SA) report damning Whitehall’s “diffident, if not lazy” approach.

FSA vindicated in organic nutritional probe

FSA vindicated in organic nutritional probe

By Elaine Watson

The methodology used in the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA’s) controversial review of the nutritional merits of organic vs conventionally-produced food has been given the stamp of approval by an independent scientific panel.

Saving the planet is the wrong message for organics

Saving the planet is the wrong message for organics

By Elaine Watson

Waxing lyrical about “how organic food will save the planet” will not give the sector the sales boost it needs, according to the agency producing a new organic marketing campaign that will launch in January.

Tesco: Pricing structure on organics is all over the place

Tesco: Pricing structure on organics is all over the place

By Elaine Watson

The pricing hierarchy in organic foods is confusing shoppers and holding the category back, with some products costing more than twice as much as conventional counterparts and others achieving price parity, according to the UK’s biggest grocer.

Storm clouds gather over organic fields

Storm clouds gather over organic fields

Derided as a fad favoured by hippies and middle class goody two shoes in the seventies, organics have come a long way since those early years of...

So far, so good

So far, so good

By Elaine Watson

Food processors are having to take the bad with the good in the ever-changing world of organic food and drink, reports Elaine Watson

Organic waste

Organic waste

Has the European Commission gone loco with its organic logo plans? Certainly, many of the leading champions of the organic movement believe that it...

An opportunity in organics

An opportunity in organics

By Sarah Britton

With global sales of organic food and drink approaching £20bn, manufacturers are well aware of the market's potential. This was clearly demonstrated...

Natural good taste

Natural good taste

By Michelle Knott

Shortages of natural ingredients are not the only problems inhibiting their more widespread use, there are cost and technical issues too, says Michelle Knott

Pasta la vista

Pasta la vista

It may be the home of the Slow Food movement, but Italy has been quick to catch on to the benefits of organic exports, says Rebecca Green

Not just desserts

Not just desserts

Manufacturers are developing more functionality into their yoghurts to meet today’s polarising consumer demands. Gail Hunt reports

Master of organics

Master of organics

Me & my factory: Dennis Bean, Business Unit Director, RB Organics