House Of Lords

DEFRA was one of three government departments to agree budget cuts of 30%

DEFRA budget cuts ‘could damage frontline delivery’

By Michael Stones

Slashing the budget of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) by 30% could compromise the front-line delivery of its services, the National Farmers Union (NFU) has warned.

Shoppers at Tesco were more likely to vote Conservative than those frequenting other retailers

Election 2015

UKIP voters most likely to shop at Sainsbury’s stores

By Rod Addy

Tesco and Sainsbury shoppers are most likely to vote Conservative, Asda and Morrisons customers favour Labour and the UK Independence Party (UKIP) has the highest support among Sainsbury’s shoppers.

Tacon was appointed as GCA in January, 2013

Expert: Tacon needs more than power to fine

By Rod Addy

The Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) needs more than the power to fine supermarkets breaking the Groceries Supply Code of Practice to be effective, according to one leading industry expert.

EFSA's aspartame opinion was debated at a House of Commons event

Aspartame sparks methanol row at food forum

By Nicholas Robinson

Experts have rubbished claims that the methanol content in aspartame threatens consumer health, following the publication of a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) risk assessment.

The use of migrant wotkers is policed by the GLA

Food industry could be hit by GLA budget cuts

By Rod Addy

The policing of food industry employment standards could suffer if the Gangmasters Licensing Authority's (GLA's) remit widens while its budget is cut, as is feared.