Chief Operating Officer

Seabrook Crisps boss Daniel Woodwards: ‘It’s important for them to know you are sharing that burden’

Me and my factory

Crisp making boss on his mission to win over staff

By Noli Dinkovski

A West Yorkshire crisp making boss says his time spent working on the shopfloor has helped him turn around a negative culture between factory workers and management.

A containerised CHP installation, which is typically used in food factories (courtesy of Clarke Energy)

CHP finds favour in chilled operations

By Rick Pendrous

Manufacturers with a requirement to chill food should be looking at using combined heat and power (CHP) units to meet their needs now that the technology has improved and the economics are more favourable, a provider of ‘build, own and operate’ systems...

Hart has decided to leave Thorntons at the end of its financial year

Thorntons boss to stand down

By Laurence Gibbons

Thorntons ceo Jonathan Hart will stand down from his role at the end of the chocolate manufacturer’s financial year on June 27 2015.

Eaton: 'Much greater competition in manufacturing'

Business Leaders’ Forum

Business leaders tackle fat tax at industry forum

By Rod Addy

Debate about taxing ‘unhealthy’ foods provoked division at Food Manufacture’s Business Leaders’ Forum and was a top hot topic singled out by Geoff Eaton, chairman of New England Seafood International.

The merits of a merger or acquisition should be judged on whether it adds value to the business, said Ben Mercer

Business Leaders' Forum

How to spot a good food industry merger or acquisition

By Michael Stones

“The key driver should be the future integration of the business to add value to the whole,” Ben Mercer, partner corporate with the law firm, told the Food Manufacture Group’s Business Leaders’ Forum in London last week.

The heads of 2 Sisters' poultry divisions, among others, will report to the protein boss

2 Sisters announces leadership restructure

By Rod Addy

2 Sisters Food Group has created two new leadership roles, effective immediately: chief operating officer, protein, and chief operating officer, chilled, ambient and frozen.

Geoff Eaton has left Premier Foods after only four months as chief operating officer

Premier Foods parts company with Geoff Eaton

By Mike Stones

Four months after joining Premier Foods, its chief operating officer Geoff Eaton has left the firm, on the same day (February 4) its new ceo Gavin Darby, joined the debt-laden food manufacturer.