Food safety and labelling

Paprika was the most likely source of undeclared almond protein: FSA

Almond Contamination

FSA's unlabelled nut probe focuses on paprika

By Michael Stones

A batch of paprika was the most likely source of undeclared almond protein, which has sparked three allergy alerts, according to the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

Lamb wasn't the only thing in the takeaways surveyed

27% of lamb takeaways flout law

By Rod Addy

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has found that 27% of lamb takeaways sampled did not comply with food law because they contained undeclared meat, allergens or additives.

BPA poses no risk to human health at current exposure levels, advised the EFSA

Food manufacturers welcome BPA advice

By Michael Stones

UK food and drink manufacturers have welcomed a recommendation from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) that exposure to the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) poses no risk to human health.

Consumers want reassure about food and drink product safety

Consumer care is a new priority for food science

By Rick Pendrous

The food industry must engage more with consumers if it is to reassure them about what it does and get their buy-in for new advances in science and technology, according to a new survey published by research group Campden BRI on January 6.

The accident happened at Premier's Mr Kipling cake factory

Premier Foods’s skull-crush worker wins payout

By Nicholas Robinson

A Premier Foods engineer has received a significant amount in compensation after he was left with life-changing injuries following a devastating accident at its Moreton cake factory.

M&S topped the ranking of most authentic UK brands

M&S tops authentic brand league

By Rod Addy

Marks & Spencer (M&S) tops the rankings of the UK’s most authentic brands, according to a report from global communications agency Cohn & Wolfe.

Antimicrobial resistance in stock and humans poses the greatest food safety challenge, warned Professor Sarah O'Brien

Food safety conference

Top food safety threat is antimicrobial resistance

By Michael Stones

Four threats, including antimicrobial resistance, and two opportunities will be some of the biggest influences on UK food safety in the years ahead, delegates heard at the Food Manufacture Group’s safety conference this week.

From December 13, waiters will need to inform customers about allergens in the food

Caterers need individually wrapped free-from foods

By Rick Pendrous

Individually wrapped portions of free-from foods will be needed in restaurants and other catering outlets to meet increasing numbers of consumers with allergies and food intolerances, a leading expert has claimed.

Health claims must be on the EU's register

Health claims scupper two nutrition ads

By Nicholas Robinson

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Minerva Research Labs Ltd have fallen foul of the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA), as well as European health claims legislation, with adverts for nutritional supplements.

Chinese consumers are looking for food they can trust, says Soil Association senior certification manager Emma Yeats

£5bn export opportunities for UK organic food firms

By Nicholas Robinson

A potential £5bn export market to China has been opened for UK organic food and drink manufacturers, following a Soil Association deal with China’s Organic Food Development Centre (OFDC).

National Farmers Union president, Meurig Raymond

Manufacture foods to showcase quality: NFU

By Nicholas Robinson

Farmers stepping into food manufacturing to supplement their incomes should use the opportunity to showcase the qualities of the rural sector, such as better food security and freshness, the National Farmers Union (NFU) president has said.

More needs to be done to improve the understanding of foodborne viral infections, including those linked to oysters, said the FSA

Call for more research into foodborne viruses

By Rick Pendrous

More needs to be done to improve the understanding of foodborne viral infections such as norovirus, hepatitis A and hepatitis E so that they can be better prevented and controlled, according to scientific experts who advise the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

The FoodIntegrity project aims to unite scientists worldwide to combat food fraud

UK spearheads €12M EU food fraud project

By Rod Addy

An EU-wide initiative targeting food fraud, costing €12M, has been announced, spearheaded by the UK’s Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA).

E.coli O157 infection can cause stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea and fever

More E.coli O157 cases in Scotland not ruled out

By Rod Addy

Food safety authorities have not ruled out further food poisoning cases after an outbreak of infection from the potentially deadly germ Escherichia coli O157 (E.coli O157) has made seven people ill in Scotland.

Constantly evolving threats posed by food germs must be fought with effective training, Campden BRI claims

Campden BRI targets microbiological skills gap

By Rod Addy

Tesco, Sainsbury and 2 Sisters Food Group are among the firms contributing to a report published by Campden BRI designed to tackle the lack of training to fight microbiological food contamination.

The FSA should be strengthened to combat food fraud more effectively, said Professor Chris Elliott

Stronger Food Standards Agency needed to beat fraud

By Michael Stones

A stronger Food Standards Agency (FSA) – equipped with responsibility for food compositional labelling – is a key recommendation of the interim Elliott Review, commissioned by the government to investigate the supply chain after the horsemeat crisis.

Good signs: Asda plans to feature the best social media posts about its Chosen by You own-label on food packages

Asda steps up social media, as festival runs workshop

By Mike Stones

Asda is stepping up its social media programme by attaching real social media comments to its Chosen By You own-label food range, while – in an unrelated move – Scottish food businesses have been invited to a free social media workshop at a local festival.

CASH’s calls for further salt reduction in ham could endanger consumer health, warns PTF

Salt reduction in ham threatens consumers’ lives: PTF

By Rick Pendrous

Salt reduction campaign group Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) has been slammed by ham producers for potentially putting people’s lives at risk by calling for immediate further reductions in the salt content of ham and other cured meat products...

EFSA's top challenge: helping European consumers develop confidence in food supply chains

Food supply chain confidence is key EFSA aim

By Mike Stones

Rebuilding European consumers’ confidence in the supply chain is a key challenge facing the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), according to its tenth anniversary report, which also set out its achievements over the past decade.

Demand for more lightly processed foods, containing fewer additives and preservatives, could lead to more cases of food poisoning

Food safety threatened by milder treatments

By Rick Pendrous

Consumer demand for more lightly processed foods containing fewer additives and preservatives could be compromising food safety, leading scientists have warned.

Supermarkets have jumped on the GM 'Frankenfood' bandwagon

Supermarkets must stop scaremongering, say scientists

By Rick Pendrous

Supermarkets are pandering to misplaced consumer fears about the health risks of of widely used food ingredients in a cynical marketing move, a group representing young scientists has warned.

Two new salt studies highlight the need for government to force the food industry to gradually reduce salt levels, claimed CASH

New studies show need for salt reduction: CASH

By Mike Stones

Two studies published in the British Medical Journal today (March 5) reveal the need for government to force the food industry to lower salt targets, claims the pressure group Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH).

Salty survey: Jamie Oliver’s Italian had the highest level of salt of the celebrity chef restaurants surveyed

Public Health Responsibility Deal to target caterers

By Rick Pendrous

Caterers will be the focus of the government’s new salt reduction strategy to be published during National Salt Awareness Week, which starts today (March 11), as part of the government’s Public Health Responsibility Deal Food Network.

Genius boss Roz Cuschieri pledged to invest millions in the newly acquired production sites

Genius Foods to spend ‘millions’ on Finsbury sites

By Laurence Gibbons

Genius Foods will invest millions of pounds developing the Livwell and United Central Bakery (UCB) production sites in Hull and West Lothian, following the firm’s £21M acquisition of the companies last week.

This equipment was used to make the potentially fatal alcohol

Killer vodka manufacturers jailed

By Lorraine Mullaney

Three men have been jailed for manufacturing illegal and potentially fatal vodka using industrial alcohol that is normally used in antifreeze and cleaning fluids.

Rat droppings and rotting food were found on the premises

Cakes recalled in emergency after rat infestation

By Lorraine Mullaney

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued an emergency recall after cakes and other sweet products labelled under the brands Cake Factory Outlet and Clearance Cake Excess were produced in a factory contaminated from rat infestation.

The RSPCA has been accused of bullying and hypocrisy over its threat to withdraw Freedom Foods accreditation

RSPCA accused of bullying over Freedom Foods badger row

By Mike Stones

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruetly to Animals (RSPCA) has been accused of ‘bullying and hypocrisy’ by the National Farmers Union (NFU), after it  threatened to withdraw permission for farmers to use its valuable Freedom Foods label if they...

Heston Blumenthal has helped to popularise the use of liquid nitrogen in food preparation

Food safety watchdog warns of liquid nitrogen dangers

By Mike Stones

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has warned consumers to beware food and drink containing liquid nitrogen, following emergency surgery to remove the stomach of a teenager who allegedly drank an alcoholic cocktail containing the chemical.

Rice alert: there have been 26 incidents of unauthorised rice from China this year

Global food sourcing is a risky business

By Lorraine Mullaney

Counterfeit documentation, ancient protocols, and immature risk assessment procedures are just the start of the problems food manufacturers face when sourcing ingredients from the other side of the globe.

Shelf-life is a hot topic for the food supply chain as it looks to reduce costs

WRAP shapes new shelf-life future

By Michelle Knott

The Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) is canvassing the food industry about the most promising ways to extend shelf-life, with the results of the consultation set to shape the waste reduction watchdog's future research.

In a jam: Clippy's can now call its apple spread a jam

Jam maker wins legal battle over labelling

By Gary Scattergood

A Cheshire jam manufacturer is claiming victory after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) announced plans to launch a consultation on changing labelling rules.

Multiple hygiene audits are a major burden for most food manufacturers

Walk the safe line

By Rick Pendrous

Global sourcing, new pathogens and novel processes make food safety a hazardous job, says Rick Pendrous

Salt reduction is approaching its limits, confirms Leatherhead Food Research

Salt cuts ARE ‘reaching limit’: Leatherhead Food Research

By Mike Stones

Leatherhead Food Research (LFR) has confirmed salt reduction in food is reaching its limits, while rejecting claims that the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) and the British Retail Consortium (BRC) had misrepresented its views.

Clear labelling is helping to keep a lid on food waste

Food firms help to cut £12bn food waste bill

By Mike Stones

Food manufacturers are helping consumers to make significant cuts in the £12bn worth of food they waste each year, according to new research from the government-funded Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP).