Supply Chain

Don't miss Greencore's insight into lean and green manufacturing techniques

Lean webinar

Greencore’s tasty savings from lean manufacturing

By Mike Stones

Convenience food group Greencore will feature in Food Manufacture’s free, one-hour webinar, dedicated to lean and green food and drink manufacturing and evaluation processes, scheduled to take place at 11am on Tuesday April 26.

Long-deals are now more worth considering, says Ian Thomas

Dairy ingredients users urged to enter long-term deals

By Noli Dinkovski

Manufacturers of products containing dairy should avoid commodity price volatility by entering into long-term fixed price deals with their suppliers, the head of an ingredients company has claimed.

Food manufacturers could help fix a 'dysfunctional supply chain', said the farming boss

Food firms should ‘help to fix supply chain’

By John Wood

A dysfunctional supply chain is threatening the future of many farms in Scotland, and food manufacturers can help fix it, according to Allan Bowie, president of National Farmers Union Scotland.

The shortage of seasonal workers threatens the £3bn horticultural industry, warns the NFU

Labour shortage threatens fruit and veg supply

By Michael Stones

A lack of seasonal labour is threatening the harvest of UK fruit and vegetables, after one in three growers admitted to struggling to source workers, according to the National Farmers Union (NFU).

German discounter Aldi drew praise for buying British

Farmers praise German retailer's British lamb policy

By Michael Stones

The National Farmers Union (NFU) has praised German discount chain Aldi’s policy of selling exclusively fresh British lamb this Easter, ahead of a farmers’ protest about low prices in London yesterday (March 23).

Horticulture and plant-based diets are the future, claims Professor Tim Lang

Policy expert slams 25-year Food and Farming Plan

By Rick Pendrous

The government’s forthcoming 25-year Food and Farming Plan has been slammed for its failure to address key issues of sustainability and described as a missed opportunity and “doomed to be irrelevant within five years” by a leading food policy expert.

A boost to food self sufficiency and fairer supply chains were two of three measures by which to judge the 25-year plan

Three measures to judge food and farming plan

By Michael Stones

The government’s 25-year food and farming plan should be judged by three measures of success – including “fairer more transparent food chains” – according to the National Farmers Union (NFU).

Graze plans to start selling products in US stores this summer

Innovation conference

Graze has global expansion snack plans

By Rick Pendrous

Graze, the online healthy snack provider that supplies directly to consumers, is set to launch its range of products in US supermarkets this summer following a similar roll-out in the UK last year.

Coconuts: brands picked, pressed and packed at source claimed to be better

Coconut oil not packed at source shown to be inferior

By Noli Dinkovski

Coconut oil that is reheated after being imported to the UK will carry higher oxidation levels and, therefore, offer fewer benefits to human health, the head of a leading branded product has claimed.

The Internet of Things is set to play a more important role in the food supply chain

The Internet of Things to revolutionise food safety

By Rick Pendrous

The Internet of Things (IoT) – the network of physical objects which are connected together to enable the collection and exchange of data – is set to play a far more important role in the food supply chain, according to a leading government scientific...

Rymer: 'Every piece of Gloucester Born Beef sold has a code on'

Traceability scheme raises consumer trust

By Noli Dinkovski

Food manufacturers are being invited to improve traceability by joining a network of primary producers that can validate claims about the origins of their products.

Uncertainty surrounds changes to legislation covering customs warehouses

Union Customs Code to modernise legislation

By Rick Pendrous

New EU customs legislation, which starts to come into effect from May this year, will have a big impact on the way some of Britain’s customs warehouses operate, claimed the United Kingdom Warehousing Association (UKWA), the trade body representing the...

More than half of global food manufacturers do not know their suppliers

Food manufacturers ‘don’t know their supply chains’

By Laurence Gibbons

More than half of global food manufacturers have admitted not knowing the precise details of their supply chains, raising concerns about the prevalence of slave labour and other unethical working practices, according to research from risk management firm...

Consumers fear a convenience food culture will destroy the links with where food comes from

Consumers fear modern life will destroy food links

By Rick Pendrous

Consumers in the UK are worried that the growth of convenience foods could cause them to lose a connection with what they eat, according to new research published today (February 16) by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

Nearly 90% of readers believe Tesco should be fined, according to survey

Tesco ‘should pay fine for code abuses’

By Alice Foster

Tesco should be made to pay a fine in the wake of a damning report by the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA), according to readers of this website.

Report: the consumer is increasingly in charge, making decisions that impact the supply chain

Create consumer-driven supply chain networks, report claims

By Noli Dinkovski

Food industry manufacturers, suppliers and retailers should no longer think of their supply chains as linear, and instead organise themselves in a series of networks around consumers, a joint report by consultancy firm Capgemini and The Consumer Goods...

Hovis has outsourced its electronic data interchange requirements

Hovis outsources its EDI data sharing needs

By Rick Pendrous

Hovis has outsourced its electronic data interchange (EDI) requirements to TrueCommerce Europe, a HighJump company, in a move designed to reduce costs and the time taken to bring new customers on-board.

CHEP will supply 100,000 pallets to Iceland's container devanning operation

Iceland signs three-year pallet deal with CHEP

By Rick Pendrous

Iceland has signed a new three-year deal with pallet provider CHEP that is expected to deliver supply chain efficiencies in the frozen food supermarket chain’s operations, both in the UK and internationally.

Tesco has confirmed plans to switch part of its milk supply

Tesco comes clean on milk supply switch

By Alice Foster

Tesco has confirmed plans to switch part of its milk supply from Arla to Müller, after days of speculation, despite threats of direct action by militant farmers.

Farmers for Action have threatened to take action, unless Tesco changes its mind

Tesco ‘could face war’ with milk producers

By Alice Foster

Militant farmers have threatened to declare war on Tesco after claiming that the retailer plans to make a milk supply switch that could “decimate” the industry.

Tesco boss Dave Lewis apologised for a second time after the ruling published today

Watchdog slams Tesco for mistreating suppliers

By Alice Foster

Tesco mistreated suppliers by acting unreasonably, delaying payments and deducting money owed for goods, according to a long-awaited ruling by the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA). 

Asda has announced a review of store changes as part of Project Renew

Asda reviews 5,000 store jobs

By Alice Foster

Asda is reviewing the future of about 5,000 jobs as part of proposed store changes including the closure of canteens, photo centres and in-store clothing counters.

Amazon is to hire thousands more staff across Europe – including 2,500 in the UK

Amazon to hire ‘thousands more’ in Euro expansion

By Michael Stones

Online retail giant Amazon is set to recruit thousands more staff across Europe, including 2,500 permanent UK roles, as part of its expansion plans, following the UK launch of its food delivery business last September.

Investing in training puts foods firms on the road to profit, claims Gary Benardout

HGV training ‘puts food firms on the road to profit’

By Gary Benardout

From restaurants to supermarkets and fishmongers to greengrocers, almost all types of business rely on road logistics in one way or another, especially the food and drink industry. So, it pays to invest in training drivers of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).

Chairman Keith Boardall (left) and deputy chief executive Marcus Boardall

Frozen distributor Reed Boardall reports steady results for 2015

By Rick Pendrous

Reed Boardall Group, the Yorkshire-based cold storage and transport firm has just reported another year of steady performance with revenues rising to just under £66M in the year to March 31 2015, an increase of 3% from the previous year’s total sales...

Aryzta is the parent of Delice de France

Aryzta’s fleet management system to optimise distribution

By Rick Pendrous

Aryzta Food Solutions UK, the bakery products company which owns the Delice de France brand, has a deployed fleet performance and journey management system across its entire UK fleet of 105 vehicles in a move designed to boost its delivery operations...

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