Fresh bread feels the squeeze
Stable Micro Systems has developed a test to evaluate how much spring there is in a loaf, and thus how fresh it is.
Used in conjunction with a texture analyser, the Bread V Squeeze machine enables bakers to test the softness and springiness of both packaged and unpackaged loaves.
Freshness is top of the shopper's agenda and bread loaf freshness often correlates directly with how soft and springy the finished bread is.
One of the most common ways to test the softness of a loaf is to squeeze it between thumb and fingers, creating a 'V' shape in the hand.
Stable Micro Systems' Bread V Squeeze imitates this process and allows bakers to carry out repeatable, scientific analysis of the freshness and appeal of their bread.
The Bread V Squeeze consists of V-shaped rounded fingers attached to the arm of a TA.XTPlus texture analyser. The fingers are then lowered on to the loaf and the force needed to compress the bread is measured.
The lower the force, the higher the value of the springiness and thus the fresher the loaf.
The non-destructive freshness test offers simplicity and speed, says Stable Micro Systems. And the loaf requires no sample preparation and its springiness can be tested while it is within its packaging.
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