Vitamin C

Naturex aims to make the most of rosemary's preservative potential


Naturex joint venture targets meat shelf-life boosters

By Rod Addy

Naturex aims to develop shelf-life-boosting formulations based on rosemary extracts with natural antimicrobial and antioxidant properties through the natural ingredient firm’s new joint venture with sister company Galactic.

British kale is known to be rich in antioxidants, calcium and vitamin A

Kale popularity soars on back of celebrity endorsements

By Gary Scattergood

Kale has become the ‘must use’ ingredient for UK soup and snack manufacturers that are increasingly tempted by its nutritional benefits and attractive appearance, according to the latest industry insights.

Vitamin cocktail joins war on bugs

Vitamin cocktail joins war on bugs

By Rod Addy

Growing interest in vitamin fortified, immune-boosting products have led to the creation of a new water crammed with healthy ingredients to safeguard consumers in the war against bugs.

A new complexion

A new complexion

By Hayley Brown

Innovative ranges of beauty foods are launching around the world, from skin-nourishing chocolates to anti-ageing drinks. But how will the credit crunch impact on their success? Hayley Brown investigates

Beauty & the feast

Beauty & the feast

Feeding your face is potentially big business, although estimates of market size vary dramatically. But most sources agree that cosmeceuticals are...

Fruit and nuts

Fruit and nuts

Goji berries or blueberries? Oats or quinoa? The world is nuts about superfoods but how super are they? By RTS Resource

Vitamin vitality

Vitamin vitality

Naturally occurring in citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables, vitamin C has now been launched by DSM Nutritional Products as a high-quality...

Age-defying juice

Age-defying juice

If he really wanted to stay young, it seems Peter Pan should have ditched Neverland for the Netherlands. The country is home to the Beauty Juicer - a...

French produce cleaning system heads for UK

French produce cleaning system heads for UK

By Rick Pendrous

A UK producer of prepared salads and vegetables could be the first in the UK to install a chlorine-free process, based on an enzyme found in breast...

The latest crush

The latest crush

Over the past five years sales of smoothies and juice drinks have soared. But how can drinks companies sustain this growth for another five? Stefan Chomka reports