
The FSA has launched a consultation into whether changes should be introduced to the chilling requirements of Qurbani meat and offal supplied from slaughterhouses

Consultation into the collection of Qurbani meat

By Gwen Ridler

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has launched a consultation into whether changes should be introduced to the chilling requirements of Qurbani meat and offal supplied from slaughterhouses in England and Wales during the period of Eid al-Adha.

The European Court of Justice is considering weather halal and kosher meat can be labelled as organic

No barrier for organic kosher and halal meat

By Aidan Fortune

The European Court of Justice is considering whether organic labels can be used on meat and poultry products from livestock killed under religious rules, such as halal and kosher, without pre-stunning, on the advice of one its advisors.

Demand for halal food is growing among muslims and non-muslims, says the HFA

Halal certification body to launch defence fund

By Rick Pendrous

A legal “fighting fund” is planned by the Halal Food Authority (HFA), the certification body, to meet what it said were an increasing number of malicious attacks on the sector.

Standard audits are unlikely to detect fraud, said the British Retail Consortium

BRC audit not designed to pick up food fraud

By Rick Pendrous

Conventional third-party hygiene audits of suppliers are unlikely to pick up examples of food fraud – such as the horsemeat incidents exposed earlier this year – a leading audit scheme owner has said.

KFC halal meat is truly halal, said the Halal Food Authority

Halal boss hits back at KFC accreditation critics

By Gary Scattergood

The president of the Halal Food Authority (HFA) – which works with major manufacturers including Premier Foods and Kerry Foods ­– has mounted a staunch defence of his organisation after it came under fire for accrediting other businesses which critics...

KFC may be 'finger lickin' good' but is it halal?


Halal chicken sold at KFC ‘may not be ‘real halal’

By John Wood

KFC sales of halal chicken, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, may not meet the requirements of Islamic law, according to a leading group of Muslim scholars in the UK, speaking to Food Manufacture on 19 September 2012.

Wholly Halal

Wholly Halal

By Michelle Knott

With Muslims set to account for a quarter of the world's population, there's money in Halal food, says Michelle Knott

A question of faith

A question of faith

As more Halal products appear on the shelves, Rebecca Green looks at how firms can capitalise on this growth market