Groceries Code Adjudicator

Barcode scanners must be ISO compliant

Supplier fines in the spotlight

By Rick Pendrous

Britain’s supermarkets have been accused of “profiteering” at the expense of their suppliers by imposing inflated charges for product recalls and other faults, including for barcode labels on cases of product that don’t comply with their system specifications.

Christine Tacon: ‘The collaborative approach that I have promoted has been a real engine of change’

Complaints to Groceries Code Adjudicator fall

By Rick Pendrous

Far fewer food and drink suppliers are complaining of abuses from their big retailer customers, according to the results of the annual online survey published by the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) today (June 26).

The Groceries Code Adjudicator Christine Tacon has failed to deliver, claims Duncan Swift of accountancy firm Moore Stephens

Groceries code boss ‘has failed to deliver’

By Rick Pendrous

The future of the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) Christine Tacon and the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP) has been put in doubt because so few investigations had been undertaken since they were both set up, a food and drink sector insolvency...

The GCA's future is to be decided

The big interview

Groceries code boss says progress made

By Noli Dinkovski

With a decision on the future of the Groceries Code Adjudicator looming, Christine Tacon believes progress is being made. 

Who would you like to see win?

Searching for a Food Manufacture hero

By Michael Stones

The Food Manufacture Group is searching for a food and drink manufacturing hero and we need your help to find winning candidate.

Tacon: 'I want to know how retailer practices have changed over the past 12 months'

Tacon urges trade to respond to groceries survey

By Rod Addy

All 10 major food retailers have now backed the second annual groceries suppliers’ survey launched by Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) Christine Tacon last month, according to a GCA spokeswoman.

Christine Tacon: 'I have all sorts of powers'

Groceries adjudicator Tacon defends her role

By Nicholas Robinson

The Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) Christine Tacon has refuted attacks about her ineffectiveness, after criticism that she lacked the clout to punish supermarkets that breached the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP).

Good week, bad week charts who was up and who was down in the UK food industry over the past seven days

Food industry firms: Good week, bad week (wk 6)

By Michael Stones

That was the food industry week that was – good for some and bad for others. In our sideways look at the past seven days, we chart the firms with something to celebrate and those that may prefer to forget the week.

Tacon was appointed as GCA in January, 2013

Expert: Tacon needs more than power to fine

By Rod Addy

The Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) needs more than the power to fine supermarkets breaking the Groceries Supply Code of Practice to be effective, according to one leading industry expert.

Environment secretary Liz Truss said trade bodies should play a bigger role in exposing abuse of suppliers

Oxford farming conference

Trade bodies ‘should play bigger role’ on supplier abuses: DEFRA

By Michael Stones

Food industry trade associations should play a bigger role in helping to expose the abuses suffered by suppliers at the hands of supermarkets and other customers, said environment secretary Liz Truss at the Oxford Farming Conference this week.

Is the adjudicator Christine Tacon doing enough to stop supermarkets abusing their power? Take part in our survey to find out

Supermarket abuse needs more action

By Rick Pendrous

Suppliers remain unconvinced that the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) Christine Tacon is doing enough to stop the big supermarkets abusing their power.

Tacon wants suppliers to share what's going on

‘Tell me about retailers’ unfair practices’

By Rick Pendrous

The independent Groceries Code Adjudicator Christine Tacon has called on suppliers to share information with her on potentially unfair practices by their big retailer customers so that she can identify priorities for investigation.

Christine Tacon pledged to target kickbacks

Groceries Code Adjudicator to tackle illegal ‘kickbacks’

By Andrew Williams

The new Groceries Code Adjudicator, tasked with policing the multiple retailers, has pledged to clean up illegal “kickback” practices, whereby suppliers are forced to use third-party suppliers favoured by the supermarkets, rather than choosing their own.

The GCA will hold the key to fining supermarkets

At last: power to fine supermarkets

By Rick Pendrous

Responding to widespread calls, the government has announced that the watchdog proposed to police the Groceries Supply Code of Practice will have the teeth to fine supermarkets that abuse power.

The Groceries Code Adjudicator will have the power to fine retailers which break the rules

Groceries adjudicator gets power to fine supermarkets

By Mike Stones

News that the Groceries Code Adjudicator will have power to fine supermarkets if they break the Groceries Code of Practice has been welcomed by the food manufacturers, farmers and poverty campaigners.

Vince Cable was urged to equip the Groceries Code Adjudicator with sharp teeth to ensure fair play

Give supermarket watchdog teeth urges campaign group

By Mike Stones

Renewed calls for the government to give the supermarket watchdog sharp teeth came today (November 19) from anti-poverty agency ActionAid, as the Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill enters its second reading in the House of Commons.

The Queen set out the government's plans for a groceries code adjudicator in a speech before both Houses of Parliament

Grocery adjudicator’s success depends on referrals

By Mike Stones

The success of plans to appoint a groceries code adjudicator ― set out in the Queen’s speech today (May 9) ― will depend upon the adjudicator's ability to listen to third-party referrals and levy penalties, say food and drink manufacturers.

DEFRA minister Richard Benyon hit out at the previous government for failing to introduce an adjudicator

Food firms welcome Groceries Code Adjudicator calls

By Dan Colombini

Food manufacturers have reaffirmed their support for the introduction of a Groceries Code Adjudicator following yesterday’s (January 24) Opposition Day debate on rising food prices and poverty.

Plugging the skills gap featured in this first selection of New Year's resolutions

Six New Year’s resolutions for food manufacturers

By Mike Stones

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? Perhaps you have broken a few already? We asked key industry figures and opinion-formers to make three resolutions on behalf of UK food and drink manufacturing.

Police do more than investigate: they prevent crime

Call for adjudicator to ensure a deal's a deal

By Rick Pendrous

An adjudicator with teeth is needed to police the Groceries Supply Code of Practice to prevent overly powerful retailers reneging on deals with their suppliers, according to leading processors.

Who’s afraid of the big bad grocery adjudicator?

Who’s afraid of the big bad grocery adjudicator?

By Ben Bouckley

BIS today published a draft bill to aimed at “giving teeth” to the groceries supply code that protects suppliers against excessive risks or unexpected costs in dealings with retailers, but the BRC has hit out at what it says is "ill judged"...

FDF worries grocery watchdog won't be on guard until 2013

FDF worries grocery watchdog won't be on guard until 2013

By Ben Bouckley

The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) says news that the Groceries Code Adjudicator may not start work until mid-2013 will harm innovation in the sector amongst small and medium-sized companies and reduce consumer choice.