Food And Drink

Leonard said patience was a key weapon for small firms

Food Vision 2015

Small food firms’ key innovation weapon

By Laurence Gibbons

Small scale food and drink manufacturers have a key weapon in the battle to bring innovative new products to market – patience, according to the boss of one business.

More consumers are prepared to pay a premium for food and drink, say Delisanté co-founders John Pearson (left) and Charles Coleman (right)

Premium boom is a big opportunity for posh SMEs

By Nicholas Robinson

More high-end food and drink start-ups are taking advantage of a boom in sales of premium products in supermarkets and rising sales in posh retailers such as Waitrose.

Wright will take over before Easter

Former Diageo boss succeeds Leech at FDF

By Laurence Gibbons

Former Diageo director Ian Wright has been appointed as Melanie Leech’s successor as director general of the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).

Purity Soft Drinks installs beverage disinfection kit

Purity Soft Drinks installs beverage disinfection kit

Purity Soft Drinks has installed a beverage disinfection system at its site at Wednesbury in the West Midlands. The system manufactures and doses a disinfectant agent and undertakes several tasks including treating process water, carrying out continuous...

DEFRA boss Liz Truss praised the 50 Food Stars

50 Food stars celebrated at DEFRA HQ

By Michael Stones

Fifty of the UK’s most promising food and drink entrepreneurs have been dubbed Food Stars by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) at a showcase event in London.

Sustainable reassurances are sought

FDF palm oil guide launched

By Nicholas Robinson

Sustainable palm oil use among food and drink manufacturers will be encouraged by the Food and Drink Federation’s (FDF’s) new sustainable palm oil guide.

Food and drink business deals have been largely fuelled by intense competition in the retail sector

Food and drink M&A driven by retail market

By Laurence Gibbons

Food and drink manufacturing mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have been mainly driven by intense competition in the UK retail sector, according to analysis from Grant Thornton.

Food industry cuts more jobs than it creates

Food job cuts outweigh creations

By Laurence Gibbons

More jobs have been cut or put at risk by food and drink manufacturers in the UK over the past six months, this site can exclusively reveal.

Patterson-Lett: 'S&T shouldn't scare consumers away'

Don't keep food S&T secrets from consumers

By Nicholas Robinson

Consumers' lack of food science knowledge is stunting the impact a firm can have when launching new products, a consumer analyst has warned.

Consumers want reassure about food and drink product safety

Consumer care is a new priority for food science

By Rick Pendrous

The food industry must engage more with consumers if it is to reassure them about what it does and get their buy-in for new advances in science and technology, according to a new survey published by research group Campden BRI on January 6.

Fosh: 'strong employer collaboration'

Government ups support for food industry skills strategy

By Rod Addy

The government has increased support for a skills strategy proposed by the National Skills Academy for Food & Drink (NSAFD) that will initially see food science become a priority area for apprenticeships.

Fosh is impressed by the high quality new talent that the food and drink industry is attracting

Food manufacturing oscars

Food industry ‘teaming with’ high quality new talent

By Laurence Gibbons

The food and drink industry is “teaming with” young talent injecting passion and fresh qualities into businesses, according to the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink.

Food and drink industry – people on the move

People on the move in the food and drink industry

By Laurence Gibbons

Melanie Leech’s decision to quit as director general of the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) after almost a decade in the role leads our selection of the latest people on the move in the food and drink industry.

The food industry is successfully filling its skills gap, says Dawson

Exclusive interview: IGD 2014 convention

Food industry successfully filling skills gap

By Laurence Gibbons

The food and drink industry’s quest to attract new talent is gaining ground, according to the president of Mars Chocolate UK Fiona Dawson.

Food and drink industry people on the move

Food and drink industry people on the move – in pictures

By Laurence Gibbons

Alan Stewart started his role as chief financial officer of Tesco three months earlier than planned, this week, after the retailer launched an investigation into the board overstating its half-year profits by as much as £250M.

Food and drink SMEs have budgeted for staff development

38,000 jobs could be created by SMEs in 2015

By Nicholas Robinson

Nearly 40,000 new food and drink manufacturing jobs could be created within the next year, as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) prepare to spend more money on staff.

Cameron pledges better British sourcing

New £400M opportunity for British producers

By Nicholas Robinson

British food and drink manufacturers would be up to £400M better off, after the government renewed its pledges to buy more home produced products.

Retailers, including Lidl, have played a big role in boosting the UK job market

Retailers help boost UK job market

By Laurence Gibbons

There were more jobs gained than lost in the UK food and drink sector – taking into consideration manufacturing, distribution, packaging and retail – over the last six months, can exclusively reveal.

Food and drink people on the move

People on the move in the food and drink industry

By Laurence Gibbons

Morrisons’ announcement that its chairman Sir Ian Gibson would not seek to be re-elected at next year’s annual general meeting leads our selection of people on the move in the food and drink industry.

Up to 20,000 food industry professionals are expected to attend the IFT Show, with some reporting their thoughts via Twitter

IFT food show in New Orleans – captured in tweets

By Laurence Gibbons

One of the world’s biggest food ingredients shows – the Institute of Food Technology’s (IFT’s) Annual meeting and food expo – opened its doors in New Orleans last week (June 21). Here, we capture in tweets a flavour of the event.

Nearly 100 arrests - some in the UK - have been made in connection alleged food and drink fraud

Nearly 100 arrests in fake food and drink probe

By Michael Stones

International arrests linked to fake food and drink have now reached nearly 100, according to the latest figures released by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills.

Channel 4's Fabulous Baker Brothers were a highlight of the show

Foodex delivers goods for food and drink firms

By Rod Addy

Food and drink manufacturers have hailed the success William Reed Business Media’s Food & Drink Expo and Foodex trade shows brought them in terms of ideas and listings.

Food scientists need to build bridges with consumers, delegates at the Food Vision Conference heard

Food Vision

Celebrity chefs needed to sell food science to consumers

By Rick Pendrous

Food firms must woo celebrity chefs and other ‘foodies’ more to help consumers understand the industry’s use of science, including biotechnology and nanotechnology, experts from the sector have argued.

Paterson: 'delighted' to see Mondelēz 'bringing in lots of bright young local people'

Overseas and national food firms invest in UK jobs

By Rod Addy

UK-based food and drink firms are investing in jobs as much as internationally-owned outfits, according to Owen Paterson, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) secretary of state.

Michael Rudge said food and drink manufacturers should reach out to youngsters more effectively

Foodex 2014

Foodex skills debate highlights the challenge

By Michael Stones

A more co-ordinated approach to attracting youngsters into food and drink manufacturing, and greater efforts by firms to promote the benefits of working in the sector were two of the key themes to emerge from the Big Video Debate on ‘Plugging the skills...

Rudge claimed the food industry is almost invisible to young people

Foodex 2014

Food industry is ‘almost invisible’ to students

By Michael Stones

The food industry is “almost invisible” to students, warns a young person taking part in the Food Manufacture Group’s Big Video Debate on skills, to take place on Tuesday (March 25) at the Foodex show near Birmingham.

The Food Manufacture Group will host four Big Video Debates at Foodex next week

Foodex 2014

Food industry skills gap under Foodex spotlight

By Michael Stones

How food and drink manufacturers can attract 170,300 new recruit recruits by 2020 is the subject of one of four, free-to-attend Big Video Debates, to be staged at the Foodex trade event next week.

Munday said there was a lot more the industry could do to attract talent

Business Leaders' Forum

Industry skills shortage set to continue as workforce ages

By Rick Pendrous

The struggle to attract young people into Britain’s food and drink manufacturing sector looks set to continue, despite manufacturers’ best efforts to raise the sector’s profile against a torrent of adverse publicity in the press and on TV.

Constantly evolving threats posed by food germs must be fought with effective training, Campden BRI claims

Campden BRI targets microbiological skills gap

By Rod Addy

Tesco, Sainsbury and 2 Sisters Food Group are among the firms contributing to a report published by Campden BRI designed to tackle the lack of training to fight microbiological food contamination.

Business leaders discussed a wide range of topics at the forum

Business Leaders' Forum

Business Leaders Forum – in pictures and quotes

By Laurence Gibbons

Mergers and acquisitions, rebuilding consumer trust after the horsemeat scandal broke and recruiting people into the food and drink manufacturing sector were key points discussed at Food Manufacture’s Business Leaders’ Forum.

Reserve your free place at our one-hour webinar on the EU’s new food labelling rules by emailing

Food labelling webinar line-up is now complete

By Michael Stones

The line-up for Food Manufacture’s free, one-hour webinar on the EU’s new food labelling rules – which will take place at 11am on Thursday 20 February – is now complete, with the addition of Campden BRI’s new head of regulatory affairs Steve Spice.

Dominic Watkins is on the panel

Free webinar to tackle FIR questions

By Michael Stones

Food and drink manufacturers now have less than a year to plan their response to the Food Information Regulation (FIR) – due to be enforced on December 14 2014 – but Food Manufacture’s free, one-hour webinar next month will provide timely advice.

Food industry focuses on growth

‘New wave of optimism’ in UK food plc

By Rod Addy

A “new wave of optimism” is sweeping through the food and drink industry, as manufacturers switch focus from defensive cost-cutting to growth, according to a Grant Thornton report.

Food and non-alcoholic drink exports rose by 2.5% to £6.1bn, after a slow start in the first quarter

Food and drink exports pick up after slow start

By Mike Stones

Exports of British food and non-alcoholic drink rose by 2.5% to £6.1bn in the first half of 2013, after a slow start, revealed figures released today (September 23) by the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).

Owen Paterson pledged to help open up the beef and lamb export market to Russia, worth more than £100M over three years

Exclusive video interview

Food manufacturers better off under DEFRA

By Mike Stones

British food and drink manufacturers benefit from leadership of the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), insists environment secretary Owen Paterson.