
Manufacturers remain optimistic despite many admitting to increasing prices in the face of cost pressures Image: Getty, gerenme


Manufacturers remain optimistic in the face of cost pressures

By Gwen Ridler

More than two thirds (68%) of food and drink businesses are optimistic about future growth, despite costs continuing to be a significant challenge, according to a survey by accountancy and business advisory firm Johnston Carmichael.

Kimberly Coffin discusses how food supply network risks are managed


Re-evaluating how to view supply chain risk

By Kimberly Coffin

Kimberly Coffin, global technical director at LRQA, explains why the way food supply network risks are managed must change amid geopolitical disruptions and an ever-changing supply climate.

Over 7,000 acres of Rhug Estate is managed organically

Short read

Rhug Estate: The perks of organic production

By Becky George

Lord Newborough of Rhug Estate in North Wales has been a prominent organic advocate since the late 1990s. Beyond the estate’s organic livestock enterprises and expansive farm shop, the business has continuously diversified its routes to market to deliver...

Addy: 'With a government continually driven by Brexit ideologues, my concern is there will be no urgency to speed up implementation where snags occur'

Column: We need to talk about...

UK Border Control

By Rod Addy

As the UK gears up to implement the second half of Brexit, Provision Trade Federation director general Rod Addy questions whether the Government has set over-ambitious deadlines to achieve it UK Border Target Operating Model.

Left to right: Kim Kettle of Long Clawson Dairy chats with Bethan Grylls of Food Manufacture


Why can't the UK solve food insecurity? Episode four

By Bethan Grylls

Episode four finds Bethan Grylls in Leicester where she hears from cooperative-run cheese manufacturer, Long Clawson Dairy and one of its affiliated farmers, Paul Eggleston, on the link between sustainability and food security.

Food Manufacture visits BMPA's headquarters in London


Why can't the UK solve food insecurity? Episode two

By Bethan Grylls

Nick Allen of British Meat Processor's Association discusses food policy with our editor in this exclusive interview series and highlights what changes could be made in regulation and legislation that would lead to a stronger food system.

The PM's Windsor Framework promised little by has the potential to overdeliver for food and drink firms

Column: We need to talk about ...

The Windsor Framework

By Rod Addy

Provision Trade Federation director general Rod Addy discusses the recently agreed Windsor Framework and its implications for the food and drink industry in his exclusive column for Food Manufacture.

Rishi Sunak has agreed a deal with the EC that could end trade barriers between Britaina and Northern Ireland


UK agrees new Northern Ireland Brexit deal with EU

By Gwen Ridler

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has agreed a new Brexit deal for Northern Ireland with European Commission president Ursula Van der Leyen, which would see the end of restrictions on the trade of goods traveling overseas in the UK.

Mike Parr discusses the current fresh produce shortages and the impact on the food supply chain


Fresh produce shortages require action, not words

By Mike Parr

Perishable Movements (PML) managing director Mike Parr responds to the current fresh produce shortages and the challenges facing a food supply chain already battered by COVID-19 restrictions and the fallout of Brexit.

It may feel like we're walking the plank as a planet, but we just have to keep moving. Credit: Getty / Richard Drury

Column: We need to talk about...

Cracking on in the permacrisis

By Rod Addy

In his first regular column for Food Manufacture, Rod Addy of the Provision Trade Federation, explores the fragile ground we find ourselves on and provides an honest outlook of the future of food production.

Don't miss your chance to ask our expert panel your pressing food industry questions

Food resilience webinar: Get your questions in now

By Gwen Ridler

With just over a week left till our free webinar, Food Chain Resilience: Paths to Success, don’t miss your chance to get your pressing questions answered by our panel of experts.

Brexit red tape cost food firms about £60m last year, with Export Health Certificates the worst offender

Brexit red tape costs food businesses £60m

By Gwen Ridler

Brexit red tape has cost food businesses £60m in 2021, as continued shortages of registered veterinarians placed pressure on an industry already stretched thin after the UK’s split from the EU.

Shoratges of qualified vets has hit Wales the hardest, according to Eville & Jones

Wales hit hardest by UK vet shortage

By Gwen Ridler

The shortage of qualified veterinarians in the UK continued to threaten exports to EU countries, with Wales hit the hardest by the shortfall, according to provider Eville & Jones.

The EU is to push back its ban on UK chilled meat entering Northern Ireland

EU to push back chilled meat ban

By Gwen Ridler

UK meat firms will be allowed to continue supply retailers in Northern Ireland with chilled processed meat products, as the EU moves to postpone the ban due to kick in this month.

Mielken: 'Critics say the benefits of freeports are minimal and claim that organised criminals will be among the few to benefit'


Freeports: Benefit or burden?

By Arne Mielken

With the Government’s announcement of the creation of eight new freeports across England, customs expert and founder of the customs and training consultancy Customs Manager Arne Mielken looks at the benefits and potential dowsides for food and drink manufacturers.

Tensions still remains between the UK and the EU, with the Brexit trade deal offering little in the way of relief for struggling exporters

Deal with EU offers ‘little relief’ to exporters

By Gwen Ridler

British Meat Processors Association trade policy adviser Peter Hardwick claims the UK’s Brexit deal offers little relief for exporters to the EU from the burden of Britain becoming a third country.

UK meat firms could move operations to the EU if export troubles continue

Meat processors trade in EU to bypass Brexit export woes

By Gwen Ridler

UK meat businesses are considering setting up an EU base to bypass export problems, as meat processors continue to struggle to ship product to the continent, the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) claims.

Seafood and pork exports continue to suffer from delays at the ports

Brexit delays continue, hitting seafood and pork

By Gwen Ridler

The Scottish seafood sector hits ‘rock bottom’ as continued delays at the ports, technology failure and an increase in bureaucracy threaten to make British export undesirable to EU customers.

The UK's consultation in GMOs could jeopardies food standards and exports between Britain and Ireland

Consultation into GMOs threatens damage to NI–UK trade

By Gwen Ridler

The UK Government’s review into the future of gene editing could see a damaging shift away from EU food standards, warned the chairman of Stormont’s Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.

Confusion over Christmas has left producers unsure about the future of trade with Northern Ireland

Brexit chaos threatens NI trade and Scottish seafood

By Gwen Ridler

Post-Brexit disruption over paperwork and procedure is hitting supplies to Northern Ireland as well as seafood exports, with the Scottish industry saying it faces a perfect storm that could cripple its international trade.

Food trade bodies have called on the Government to investigate disruption at UK ports

Trade bodies call for inquiry into ports disruption

By Gwen Ridler

Food and drink industry representatives have urged the Government to launch an inquiry into continued Brexit-related disruption at UK ports as costs mount on manufacturers already negatively hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With less than two weeks to go, small business are still unprepared for Brexit

Small businesses remain unprepared for Brexit

By Gwen Ridler

Almost half (45%) of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK are still figuring out scenario plans relating to Brexit, according to a new report from global standards provider GS1 UK.

Food and drink exports fell in the nine months to September 2020

UK Food and drink exports drop amid COVID-19 challenges

By Gwen Ridler

UK food and drink exports fell by 12.9% to £15.2bn in the first nine months of 2020, as manufacturers struggled with the coronavirus pandemic and uncertainty surrounding the end of the Brexit transition period.