
Sunflowers are an alternative source of tocopherols

Natural demand

By Michelle Knott

Demand for natural antioxidants to extend shelf-life is increasing, and so is their price, reports Michelle Knott

Let the next claims battle commence

Let the next claims battle commence

By Rick Pendrous

News last month that DSM Nutritional Products (DSM) and Kemin planned to contest the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA's) rejection of their submitted claims for lutein and eye health, is but the latest twist in the tortuous saga of the...

Seeds of change

Seeds of change

By Michelle Knott

Here are two things that we all know about the plant compounds that crop up in everything from fruit and veg to tea, chocolate and red wine: First, there's a growing mountain of evidence that phytochemicals mainly flavonoids and polyphenols deliver...

Beauty & the feast

Beauty & the feast

Feeding your face is potentially big business, although estimates of market size vary dramatically. But most sources agree that cosmeceuticals are...

Super fruits?

Super fruits?

Will many of the health claims made about 'super fruits' stand up to scrutiny under the new European health claims regulation? Elaine Watson investigates

Radical action

Radical action

Every supplement worth its salt is packed with antioxidants, but will popping pills really keep cancer at bay? Paul Hart reports

Feeling fruity

Feeling fruity

While the European market for functional foods remains smaller than many people think, it continues to outperform the food and drinks market as a...

Hue and cry over phytonutrients

Hue and cry over phytonutrients

By Allison Carvalho

As EFSA called for a reassessment of the safety of 45 authorised colourings used in food, Allison Carvalho looks at the potential health-giving properties of existing products

Natural progression of colour

Natural progression of colour

By Rick Pendrous

Lucozade manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline could find a natural alternative to the ultra-clear, vibrant synthetic orange colouring it uses, following the...