DSM debuts one-hour phage testing kit
Reportedly the 'fastest phage testing kit on the market', DSM’s Delvo Phage test kit can detect phages in dairy within an hour, resulting in an increase in cheese yield and quality, a reduction in waste and a boost value in cheese production by 5-10%.
The technology significantly cuts down on testing times, which typically take between four hours to a week to complete – often too late to prevent the effects of phage contamination on the performance of cultures or the duration of the fermentation process.
Phage detection across production
Producers can use the kit at several steps during production, allowing for active bacteriophage monitoring and management in mesophilic and thermophilic dairy processes.
The kit works in tandem with DSM’s new Delvo Analytics app, which offers a 24/7 platform for phage insights and data rom whey samples of production – after submitting whey samples for testing, dairy manufacturers can view the results of the phage analysis and access insights into phage results and trends via the app at all times.
Based on this data, DSM experts can provide culture rotation and process recommendations via the app, which is available on computer, tablet or phone.
Testing time challenges
Evandro Oliveira de Souza, cheese global business lead at DSM highlighted the challenges presented by lengthy testing timings and how they have been a substantial barrier to combatting issues caused by phages.
“Our team of dedicated dairy experts understand these challenges and can help customers identify areas for improvement and implement a culture rotation strategy that enables them to stay one step ahead of phages – and the competition,” he added.
“Dairies can have peace of mind that whenever issues occur, DSM is the ideal partner to provide support and lead them in the right direction towards higher quality cheese.”