Variable-Frequency Drive

More food manufacturers are turning to external engineering expertise to compensate for a lack of internal skills

Firms turn to external engineers to fill internal skills gap

By Rick Pendrous

Increasing numbers of UK food and drink manufacturers are using external engineering expertise to compensate for skills they lack internally to achieve the efficiency improvements and cost savings required in today’s competitive business environment.

npower estimates the average firm spends £180,000 a year on energy

Lack of energy expertise is a costly business

By Rick Pendrous

Medium-sized food and drink manufacturing firms are losing out on energy savings because of a lack of expertise, according to a report from energy supplier npower.

Cut reaction

Cut reaction

By Paul Gander

Many companies already feel they've taken action to cut sky-high energy bills. But where might investment make further savings?

TDG in multi- million pound upgrade plan

TDG in multi- million pound upgrade plan

By Rod Addy

TDG plans to plough millions of pounds more into improving the efficiency of its UK cold stores, following the announcement of £1M investments in facilities at Aberdeen and Newport, in Gwent.