Public Health England

Cereal manufacturers were 'refusing to be transparent' by avoiding colour-coded front of pack nutrition labels, claimed Action on Sugar

Most manufacturers ‘go beyond labelling obligation’

By Matt Atherton

Most food manufacturers go beyond their legal obligation to provide clear nutrition labelling, says the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), after claims manufacturers were “deliberately deceiving” shoppers by not using colour-coded labels on cereal packaging.

Vitamin D has been linked to bone health

National survey highlights vitamin D deficiency fears

By Rod Addy

UK Vitamin D deficiency is a growing problem, indicated by the latest data from the National Diet & Nutrition Survey (NDNS), but the food industry could help, nutritionist Dr Carrie Ruxton claims.

The conference will arm delegates with the information they need to avoid product recalls that could cost millions of pounds

Food safety conference to arm delegates with key advice

By Michael Stones

Arming manufacturers with the key information they need to manage food and drink safety risks is the aim of the Food Manufacture Group’s one-day conference – Safe and legal food in a changing world – due to take place on Wednesday, October 15 2014, at...