
Food Crime Unit boss Andy Morling listed three key achievements of the past year

Food Safety conference

Food crime boss on three achievements

By Michael Stones

The Food Crime Unit achieved three key goals over the past year, its boss Andy Morling claims in this exclusive video interview, filmed at Food Manufacture’s safety conference.

The death of the worker at Thistle Seafoods was said to be from natural causes

Worker dies at fish factory

By Gwen Ridler

The death of a worker at Thistle Seafoods is currently under investigation by Police Scotland.

Nearly 100 arrests - some in the UK - have been made in connection alleged food and drink fraud

Nearly 100 arrests in fake food and drink probe

By Michael Stones

International arrests linked to fake food and drink have now reached nearly 100, according to the latest figures released by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills.

The use of migrant wotkers is policed by the GLA

Food industry could be hit by GLA budget cuts

By Rod Addy

The policing of food industry employment standards could suffer if the Gangmasters Licensing Authority's (GLA's) remit widens while its budget is cut, as is feared.

Fatal abattoir accident

Fatal abattoir accident

By Freddie Dawson

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is working with Strathclyde Police to investigate the death of a worker at an abattoir in Scotland.