Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Sidel Matrix Combi blow-fill-cap equipment for filling PET bottles of carbonated soft drinks takes up 30% less floor space

Food packaging kit: meet the space savers

By Paul Gander

Are the days of sprawling packaging installations over? Increasingly, many of today’s production priorities, from efficiency, effectiveness and integration to lifetime and environmental costs, appear to overlap with compact equipment design.

Hot spot mapping processes have helped Greencore to reduce its waste

Lean webinar

M&S rewards lean and green suppliers

By Rick Pendrous

Marks & Spencer’s (M&S’s) own-label food and drink suppliers that meet the retailer’s stringent “lean and green” manufacturing and ethical trading standards, as part of its Plan A initiative, are being rewarded with more business, it has emerged.

Greencore raises its game

Greencore raises its game

By Elaine Watson

Closer monitoring of KPIS delivers radical improvements in operational efficiency



Money is the turn-on when it comes to lean manufacturing

Continuous Improvement - Where are they now?

Continuous Improvement - Where are they now?

By Kevin Bennett

Establishing an accurate, honest, and, where required, critical picture of 'where we are now' in improvement programmes is never easy. However, it is...