Meat Processors

Less is more: fewer audits are needed, says George Eustice

Fewer food audits needed, says minister

By Rick Pendrous

The burden of inspections on food businesses could be reduced as part of a new government strategy designed to ensure a vibrant, profitable and growing UK food and farming sector, a government minister indicated to the meat industry last month.

The FSA's Catherine Brown said it was industry's responsibility to devise a better inspection model

Meat processors rail against inspection costs

By Rick Pendrous

The cost of official food hygiene inspections remains a contentious issue for many primary meat processors that would like to see the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA’s) monopoly on inspecting abattoirs broken.

Professor MacGregor: 'If you can put a man on the moon, you can produce a meat product with less salt in it'

CASH chairman MacGregor rebuts attacks over salt reduction

By Rick Pendrous

The chairman of Consensus Action on Salt & Health (CASH) professor Graham MacGregor has hit back at claims by the food industry that further salt reduction in ham and other cured meat products would endanger people’s lives.

An influential committee of MPs is to study how the DSM rule will affect UK meat processors

MPs to hear evidence on £200M desinewed meat ban

By Freddie Dawson and Mike Stones

An influential group of MPs working on the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee will hear evidence next week (May 15) about the EC’s requirement for a UK ban on the production of desinewed meat from cattle, sheep and goats.

Lean machines

Lean machines

By Michelle Knott

Tough times for meat processors mean that the industry has been going through a prolonged period of consolidation. But as businesses merge, that...

Cut to the bone

Cut to the bone

By Rick Pendrous

With consumers eating less red meat, rising costs and margins under pressure, meat processors need to be cut some slack. Rick Pendrous reports

Icebergs on the horizon for meat processors

Icebergs on the horizon for meat processors

By Rick Pendrous

Meat processors face challenging times ahead with public health, overseas competition and environmental issues having an increasingly important...