Labour Providers

Farm and food factory businesses are struggling to find enough workers

Report flags up industry labour shortage

By Michelle Perrett

The majority (70%) of food and beverage manufacturing companies are struggling or in crisis with regard to the supply of low and unskilled workers, a survey by the Association of Labour Providers (ALP) has revealed.

Horticulture will be ‘devastated’ without a quota-based workers’ scheme

Election 2017

New government ‘must deal with labour shortages’

By Noli Dinkovski

The next UK government has been urged to address the “impending labour shortages” faced by the food industry pre- and post-Brexit, after the immigration minister claimed the problem had been overstated.

Businesses should brace themselves to hand over more money to workers

Brace yourself for increased labour costs

By Laurence Gibbons

The food industry should brace itself for an increase in labour costs as the number of people in employment reaches record levels, warns the Association of Labour Providers (ALP).

Gangmasters use loophole to exploit illegal EU workers

Gangmasters use loophole to exploit illegal EU workers

By Rick Pendrous

Food and agricultural businesses are often unknowingly illegally employing workers from Romania and Bulgaria within the 'black economy' because of a loophole in the law regarding self-employment status, it has emerged.