Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Excuse me! Cattle burping and flatulence accounted for nearly half (40%) of carbon emissions from milk production

DairyCo funds benchmark for carbon reduction

By Freddie Dawson

Cutting greenhouse gas emissions in the dairy supply chain should become easier thanks to a new benchmark certified by the Carbon Trust and detailed in a report funded by levy-funded dairy farming organisation DairyCo.

WRAP raps UK food waste

WRAP raps UK food waste

By Ben Bouckley

5.3m tonnes of UK food is wasted each year, representing 3% of the UK’s domestic greenhouse gas emissions, a new report from Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) claims.

Allied Bakeries: Carbon foot printing a catalyst for efficiency

Allied Bakeries: Carbon foot printing a catalyst for efficiency

By Elaine Watson

Analysing the carbon footprint of Kingsmill loaves has helped Allied Bakeries squeeze out additional cost savings that it would not have extracted through traditional continuous improvement techniques, its operations director has claimed.

Water, water everywhere ...

Water, water everywhere ...

By Rick Pendrous

... and so much do we waste. Rick Pendrous reports on Envirowise's FEED event designed to help food businesses save water and money

Ozone eaters

Ozone eaters

The livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions than transport, according to a new report from the UN Food & Agriculture...