
The BMPA represents the majority of meat businesses in the UK. Credit: Getty / sturti

Long read

Lifting the lid on the British meat industry

By William Dodds

Nick Allen and Nan Jones of the British Meat Processing Association (BMPA) provide insight into the state of the UK meat industry, while calling on Government to help the sector forge a path forward.

Policy experts have called for a coherent food policy as dark clouds gather

UK food policy is urgently needed

By Rick Pendrous

Government has been slammed by policy experts for its failure to publish clear direction for the future of UK farming and food.

A new Exports Commission is needed urgently to boost exports: CBI

Set up new Exports Commission, urges CBI

By Michael Stones

An independent, national Exports Commission should be set up to boost exports – including food and drink exports – the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has told government.

The government has 'parked' the Public Health Responsibility Deal claims the FDF boss Ian Wright

Health responsibility deal is ‘parked’

By Michael Stones

The Public Health Responsibility Deal (PHRD) has been “parked” by the government, according to Food and Drink Federation director general Ian Wright, who has urged government to revitalise its efforts to tackle Britain’s obesity crisis.

MacDonald has been forced to defend the role of scientists in the health issue

Carbs, lies and money

A life in the public eye wasn’t something Professor Ian MacDonald thought he had signed up for after starting his academic career. Recently, though, he’s had to deal with reporters on his doorstep and damning criticism in the national press, Nicholas...

Regulation banning food waste in the UK would be as accepted as those requiring people to wear seatbelts

Food waste policy would be as accepted as seatbelts

By Laurence Gibbons

Legislation banning food businesses from throwing away fit-for-purpose surplus food would be as accepted as policy surrounding seatbelts, according to the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Small-scale support: small food firm bosses have signed a letter supporting Conservative policy. Or did they?

Election 2015

Small food firm bosses 'back Conservative policy'

By Michael Stones

Small food and drink firm bosses – including a dairy, a butchery and a confectionery manufacturer – have signed a letter of support urging the Conservatives be “given the chance to finish what they started”. But the letter’s authenticity was later challenged...

More than 100 business leaders have backed chancellor George Osborne's economic recovery plan

Election 2015

Food bosses join support for government policy

By Michael Stones

Food industry leaders – including George Weston, ceo of Associated British Foods, which owns the Silver Spoon, Kingsmill and Ovaltine brands – have joined more than 100 business bosses in writing a letter of support for the coalition’s economic policy.

Cameron pledges better British sourcing

New £400M opportunity for British producers

By Nicholas Robinson

British food and drink manufacturers would be up to £400M better off, after the government renewed its pledges to buy more home produced products.

Energy savings worth thousands of pounds are on offer at our free webinar on Thursday September 18 at 1100 GMT

Free energy webinar

Free energy webinar helps food industry savings

By Michael Stones

Energy savings worth thousands of pounds are on offer for delegates who attend a free, one-hour webinar from the Food Manufacture Group to be staged at 11am GMT on Thursday September 18.

Liz Goodwin claimed the spending review settlement – which axed WRAP's budget by 40% – was a 'huge vote of confidence' in the organisation

WRAP plays down axing of its budget by 40%

By Mike Stones

The boss of the government-funded Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has played down plans to axe its budget by 40%, unveiled as part of the government’s latest spending review.

Stevenson would like more factories to open their doors to the public

A critical friend

By Gary Scattergood

John Stevenson is a big industry supporter, but don't expect blank cheques, reports Gary Scattergood

Jack Matthews, chairman of Improve and the National Skills Academy, is to leave the organisation. His responsibilities will transfer as from April 30 to Justine Fosh as executive director and Stephen Chambers as finance director

Sector skills councils ‘fail to deliver value for money’

By Rick Pendrous

Sector skills councils (SSCs), including Improve, which represents the food and drink sector, have come under a scathing attack by the head of the Meat Training Council (MTC) for not meeting the needs of the sectors they represent.

Police do more than investigate: they prevent crime

Call for adjudicator to ensure a deal's a deal

By Rick Pendrous

An adjudicator with teeth is needed to police the Groceries Supply Code of Practice to prevent overly powerful retailers reneging on deals with their suppliers, according to leading processors.

Food firms have called on Osborne to make changes to the current tax regime

Food firms’ Autumn statement wish list

By Dan Colombini

Food manufacturers have urged Chancellor George Osborne to review the current R&D tax regime ahead of his autumn statement tomorrow (November 29), which they feel is “unfairly penalising” the sector.

Jamie Oliver said the Responsibility Deal was

Government slammed for obesity group closure

By Dan Colombini

The government’s decision to abolish the panel of experts advising ministers on tackling obesity is like “turning the policy-clock back 10 years”, according to panel member Professor Timothy Lang.



With government cuts and food security issues, food manufacturing must change the rules of its game, reports Rick Pendrous.

All for one – and one department for all

All for one – and one department for all

By Clare Cheney

Upon learning that responsibility for food labelling in England is to be distributed between three government departments, these words from Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado sprung to mind: “but the laws of common sense, you oughtn’t to ignore”.

Food Standards Agency

Government confirms retention of slimline FSA

By Ben Bouckley

The government has confirmed that a slimmed-down Food Standards Agency (FSA) will survive with a renewed focus on food safety, but will lose its English responsibility for country of origin labelling and policy relating to food composition and nutrition.

ELECTION SPECIAL: The food industry wish list...

Special feature

ELECTION SPECIAL: The food industry wish list...

As the nation goes to the polls, asks food manufacturing bosses what they would like to see from the new government. From curbs on the FSA to laws forcing firms to pay bills on time, here's what they have to say ...

Trade Talk

Trade Talk

Beware the battle of bloated bureaucracy