
Food Evolution aims to restore science to the global debate about GM technology

Food science gets the big screen film treatment

By Michael Stones

Food science takes centre stage in a new documentary film, funded by the US-based Institute of Food Technology (IFT), which received its UK premiere in London on Tuesday (May 3).

GM has a place in feeding Britain, the Princess Royal told the BBC. Photograph courtesy of Chatham House

GM food has a role in feeding Britain: Princess Royal

By Michael Stones

Food produced from genetically modified (GM) crops and animals has an important role to play in feeding Britain, the Princess Royal has told the BBC, in an interview to be broadcast tomorrow (March 23).

Gene-editing technology faces an uncertain future

Future of gene-editing hangs in the balance

By Noli Dinkovski

The fate of growing gene-edited crops in the UK hangs in the balance with the European Commission set to publish a report on whether they should be considered genetically-modified organisms (GMOs).

David Cameron's GM advisers have said the government needs to clearly communicate the challenges facing sustainable food production

GM food row: industry must tackle food security ignorance

By Rod Addy

If government and industry are to overcome unfounded opposition to genetic modification (GM) technologies, they should clearly communicate the challenges facing sustainable food production, the Prime Minister’s scientific advisers have claimed.

The government’s new top scientific adviser’s pro GM view have reignited the debate about this controversial technology

Government's new top scientific advisor welcomes GM

By Andrew Williams

The government’s new chief scientific advisor, Sir Mark Walport, has stirred up the genetic modification (GM) debate by setting out his pro-GM view on the food supply chain.

John Stevenson MP, chairman of the All-Party Group for Food and Drink Manufacturing.Stevenson understands that industry doesn’t want to take the lead

‘Politicians must promote GM food’

By Gary Scattergood

Politicians and academics need to do more to promote the benefits of genetically modified (GM) food because the food industry canvt be expected to take the lead on such a sensitive subject.

Food manufacturing bosses gathered at Food Manufacture's Business Leaders' Forum this week

Business Leaders' Forum

Sourcing GM-free stock feed becoming ‘impossible’

By Mike Stones

Genetically modified (GM) animal feed stuffs have become so widespread that it is increasingly difficult to avoid them, Meurig Raymond, NFU deputy president told Food Manufacture’s Business Leaders’ Forum.

Dr Andrew Wadge will take part in a free one-hour food science and technology webinar. See article for details

What consumers really think about GM labelling

By Mike Stones

Only 2% of consumers scan labels for information about genetically modified (GM) produce when buying food products for the first time, according to new research from food safety watchdog the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

Food sellers have a role to promote GM: DEFRA boss. GM will be one topic under review in our free food science and technology webinar to be staged on January 24. See article for details

Food sellers have role to promote GM: DEFRA boss

By Mike Stones

Food sellers can help dispel myths about genetic modification (GM), Owen Paterson, secretary of state at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, told the 0xford Farming Conference yesterday (January 3).

Mark Lynas: 'The real Frankenstein’s monster was not GM science but our reaction to it'

‘I was wrong to trash GM’: author Mark Lynas

By Mike Stones

A former campaigner against genetic modification (GM) told the Oxford Farming Conference yesterday (January 3) he deeply regretted his part in the campaign that has denied millions safe and affordable food.

Genes from Chinook salmon have been used to engineer the new, faster-growing fish

GM salmon step closer to US dinner plates

By Mike Stones

Genetically modified (GM) salmon moved a step closer to US, and possibly European, dinner plates last month with the publication of a favourable environmental assessment from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The UK risks becoming a 'food museum' if it listened to anti-GM campaigners and shunned GMO foods: FDF

Without GM, UK to become a ‘food museum’

By Rick Pendrous

The UK risks becoming a “food museum” if it fails to adopt new technologies such as genetically modified (GM) foods, the president of Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has warned.

Enzymes: processing aids or ingredients?

EU enzyme scrutiny could open up GM ‘can of worms’

By Paul Gander

Fresh efforts by the European Commission (EC) to clarify the status of food enzymes as ‘processing aids’ or ‘ingredients’ could reopen the vexed question of labelling genetically modified micro-organisms (GMMOs) in food, according to one regulatory expert.

Bill Gates' foundation is investing £6.3M in UK GM research

Bill Gates invests £6M in UK GM research

By John Wood and Mike Stones

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has given his support for genetic modification (GM) techniques with a £6.3M ($9.8m) grant for research led by the John Innes Centre in Norwich.

GM technology raises strong emotions but many believe now is the time to reconsider its use

Rejecting GM could boost food ingredient prices

By David Burrows

Food manufacturers and retailers will find it increasingly difficult to source GM-free ingredients at reasonable prices if Europe continues to reject the controversial technology.

EFSA confirmed that GM maize produced in 2010 had no negative effects on humans, animals and the environment

GM maize strain given EFSA all-clear

By Dan Colombini

No negative effects on human and animal health or the environment can be traced to a trial of genetically modified (GM) maize strain which produces insect toxin, according to research from the European Food Safety authority (EFSA).

Bill Gates thinks GM has a role to play in remedying world hunger. A growing number of young Britons appear to agree with him.

Positive GM survey backs Bill Gates' view

By Freddie Dawson and Mike Stones

A new survey reporting positive views about genetically modified (GM) foods, coupled with recent comments from billionaire philanthropist and IT guru Bill Gates reveal attitudes towards the controversial technology are changing, claims the Crop Protection...

Europe's GM barrier is 'starving the poor’

Europe's GM barrier is 'starving the poor’

By Rick Pendrous

The EU is exacerbating poverty and starvation in the developing world via barriers against genetic modification (GM), says one of the UK’s leading scientists.

Former minister worried by GM ingredient revelations

Former minister worried by GM ingredient revelations

By Ben Bouckley

Michael Meacher MP says he worries that not enough research has been done on the long-term effects to human health of eating foods produced from animals fed GM soy, after it emerged that many such branded items may be on UK sale.

Health is at hand

Health is at hand

By John Dunn

Soy offers significant health benefits but, as John Dunn reports, there is also the issue of genetic modification which consumers have yet to buy into

GM legislation workability?

GM legislation workability?

By the time this column goes to print, the European Commission (EC) will have initiated its scheduled review concerning the implementation of...

Are we GM-free?

Are we GM-free?

In April, the European Commission published a list of authorised genetically modified (GM) foods and feeds which have been notified according to...