Genetically Modified Food

Targeting GM technology first at pesticides, rather than food, has blighted its future, says Trace Sheehan

Reports from IFT17

GM food: ‘where industry went wrong ...’

By Michael Stones

Focusing genetically modified (GM) technology first on pesticides, rather than directly on food, has soured the debate about GM and blighted its future, says food science film maker Trace Sheehan.

Food Evolution aims to restore science to the global debate about GM technology

Food science gets the big screen film treatment

By Michael Stones

Food science takes centre stage in a new documentary film, funded by the US-based Institute of Food Technology (IFT), which received its UK premiere in London on Tuesday (May 3).

GMO labels added to Campbell Soup products

Soup-maker Campbell switches to GMO labelling

By Noli Dinkovski

The world’s largest soup-maker has responded to calls for more food transparency by announcing it is to label the genetically modified organism (GMO) content on all of its US products.

GM crops could become widespread in Europe after gaining a foothold in the Ukraine and Russia

Ukraine and Russia to be Europe’s GM springboard

By Rick Pendrous

Ukraine and Russia are likely to become the bridgehead for the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the rest of Europe, according to the ceo of the French agricultural seeds and grain co-operative Limagrain.

The UK risks becoming a 'food museum' if it listened to anti-GM campaigners and shunned GMO foods: FDF

Without GM, UK to become a ‘food museum’

By Rick Pendrous

The UK risks becoming a “food museum” if it fails to adopt new technologies such as genetically modified (GM) foods, the president of Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has warned.

With 500M more people to feed in Africa alone after 13 harvests, the world needs high-tech answers – including GM, argues the NFU

Time running out to use food science – including GM: NFU

By Mike Stones

More investment in food science research – including genetically modified (GM) technology – is needed urgently, Peter Kendall, president of the National Farmers Union (NFU), told the World Farmers’ Congress in Rome today (June 7).

GM technology raises strong emotions but many believe now is the time to reconsider its use

Rejecting GM could boost food ingredient prices

By David Burrows

Food manufacturers and retailers will find it increasingly difficult to source GM-free ingredients at reasonable prices if Europe continues to reject the controversial technology.

Bill Gates thinks GM has a role to play in remedying world hunger. A growing number of young Britons appear to agree with him.

Positive GM survey backs Bill Gates' view

By Freddie Dawson and Mike Stones

A new survey reporting positive views about genetically modified (GM) foods, coupled with recent comments from billionaire philanthropist and IT guru Bill Gates reveal attitudes towards the controversial technology are changing, claims the Crop Protection...

Can we feed the world
 by 2050?

Can we feed the world
 by 2050?

By Professor Judy Buttriss

The world’s population had doubled to 6bn by the end of the last century. Global food shortages were predicted but averted. But can the food chain meet the challenge of feeding 9bn mouths by 2050? And will genetic modification technology have a place...