Genetic Engineering

GM has a place in feeding Britain, the Princess Royal told the BBC. Photograph courtesy of Chatham House

GM food has a role in feeding Britain: Princess Royal

By Michael Stones

Food produced from genetically modified (GM) crops and animals has an important role to play in feeding Britain, the Princess Royal has told the BBC, in an interview to be broadcast tomorrow (March 23).

Tom Heap:“People are very, very afraid of technology in food”

Public fears the power of food science

By Rick Pendrous

Consumers are frightened by developments in food science as they fear those behind them will wield too much power which they will abuse, BBC TV’s Countryfile presenter Tom Heap has suggested.

The government’s new top scientific adviser’s pro GM view have reignited the debate about this controversial technology

Government's new top scientific advisor welcomes GM

By Andrew Williams

The government’s new chief scientific advisor, Sir Mark Walport, has stirred up the genetic modification (GM) debate by setting out his pro-GM view on the food supply chain.

Food sellers have a role to promote GM: DEFRA boss. GM will be one topic under review in our free food science and technology webinar to be staged on January 24. See article for details

Food sellers have role to promote GM: DEFRA boss

By Mike Stones

Food sellers can help dispel myths about genetic modification (GM), Owen Paterson, secretary of state at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, told the 0xford Farming Conference yesterday (January 3).

The UK risks becoming a 'food museum' if it listened to anti-GM campaigners and shunned GMO foods: FDF

Without GM, UK to become a ‘food museum’

By Rick Pendrous

The UK risks becoming a “food museum” if it fails to adopt new technologies such as genetically modified (GM) foods, the president of Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has warned.

With 500M more people to feed in Africa alone after 13 harvests, the world needs high-tech answers – including GM, argues the NFU

Time running out to use food science – including GM: NFU

By Mike Stones

More investment in food science research – including genetically modified (GM) technology – is needed urgently, Peter Kendall, president of the National Farmers Union (NFU), told the World Farmers’ Congress in Rome today (June 7).

GM technology raises strong emotions but many believe now is the time to reconsider its use

Rejecting GM could boost food ingredient prices

By David Burrows

Food manufacturers and retailers will find it increasingly difficult to source GM-free ingredients at reasonable prices if Europe continues to reject the controversial technology.

Bill Gates thinks GM has a role to play in remedying world hunger. A growing number of young Britons appear to agree with him.

Positive GM survey backs Bill Gates' view

By Freddie Dawson and Mike Stones

A new survey reporting positive views about genetically modified (GM) foods, coupled with recent comments from billionaire philanthropist and IT guru Bill Gates reveal attitudes towards the controversial technology are changing, claims the Crop Protection...