General Election

Calls for a soft Brexit have grown since the general election

Soft Brexit calls grow as business confidence falls

By Matt Atherton

Calls for a soft Brexit – maintaining closer ties to the EU’s market of 510M customers – continue to rise after the general election, as the Institute of Directors (IoD) reveals a “dramatic drop” in business confidence since the hung parliament.

The BFAWU shows support for Corbyn in spite of a flood of Labour resignations

Food workers union backs Jeremy Corbyn

By Gwen Ridler

The Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) has voiced strong support for embattled Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, after a wave of resignations from his shadow cabinet, including food and farming minister Kerry McCarthy.

Uncertainty in the run up to the election is dampening food business investment, warned a top economist

Election 2015

Election ‘puts food capital investments on hold’

By Nicholas Robinson

Uncertainty in the lead up to the general election is causing food firms to put on hold plans for capital investment and freeze their employees pay, even though the economy has picked up, a leading economist has claimed.

Scotland may well vote for independence on September 18, bringing years of political instability to England, Wales and Northern Ireland, warned Michael Portillo

Foodex 2014

England complacent on Scottish independence vote: Portillo

By Michael Stones

England seriously underestimates the prospect of Scotland voting yes to independence and the political instability that would bring, warns former cabinet minister and broadcaster Michael Portillo.