Food Crime

Industry insiders are encouraged to use the new Food Crime Confidential to report offences

Food Crime Unit launches confidential hotline

By Gwen Ridler

A confidential food crime hotline has been launched by the National Food Crime Unit (NFCU), which it hoped would encourage industry insiders to report offences.

Food Crime Confidential aims to help industry insiders report crime

National Food Crime Unit unveils whistleblowing line

By Michelle Perrett

The National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) has launched a whistleblowing facility called ‘Food Crime Confidential’, allowing those working in the food industry to report any suspicions over crime or safety.  

Organised food crime was not yet a UK problem but could soon become one, said the head of the new Food Crime Unit

Food safety conference

Organised food crime: time to face the threat

By Michael Stones

The UK food and drink industry should start preparing now to beat the challenge of organised crime, which could plague the industry in “a few years’ time”, warns the head of food crime at the Food Standards Agency.

Safe havens for food supply chain whistleblowers are on the way

Safe havens to protect food fraud whistleblowers

By Rick Pendrous

The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) is working closely with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to create a system of ‘safe havens’ for whistleblowers and others who disclose cases of fraud in the food supply chain, it emerged last week.

A new Food Crime Unit remains at the heart of Prof Elliott's recommendations

Breaking news

Food Crime Unit still key to Prof Elliott’s horsemeat report

By Michael Stones

A new Food Crime Unit remains at the heart of Professor Chris Elliott’s eight-point plan to combat fraud set out in his final report into the integrity of food supply chains published yesterday (September 4).