Flo International

The role of the Groceries Code Adjudicator, Christine Tacon, should be extended, it has been argued

Grocery code boss ‘should have her role extended’

By Rick Pendrous

The government’s review of the Groceries Code Adjudicator’s (GCA’s) role and remit, announced last month, has been welcomed by a coalition of non-governmental organisations, unions and food groups, which has called for the GCA’s powers to be strengthened.

Gressingham Foods has won a top marketing prize

Duck producer wins top marketing award

By Rick Pendrous

Gressingham Foods, the duck producer and processor, has been awarded the annual Excellence in Marketing Award by the Food, Drink and Agricultural (FDA) sector interest group of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

Composite Fairtrade products set to grow

Composite Fairtrade products set to grow

By Rick Pendrous

The use of Fairtrade ingredients in composite products is set to be the next big area of growth, according to the Fairtrade Foundation, which...