Channel Tunnel

The dairy sector of Midland’s portfolio already accounts for 30% of its sales

Distributor Midland Food Group bought by Granarolo

By Rod Addy

Distributor Midland Food Group has been bought by Italian firm Granarolo’s UK subsidiary for an undisclosed sum, in a deal designed to boost the latter’s UK chilled food business.

200 trucks a day would be given priority by police

Calais crisis: quick-to-market routes for food

By John Wood

As plans for ‘quick-to-market’ routes for vehicles carrying key consignments, including fresh produce, get under way in Kent, the Scottish government’s fisheries and food secretary Richard Lochhead has urged the UK government to continue to push for a...

The Scottish government has pressed the UK government and French authorities to resolve the crisis

End Calais chaos to protect Scottish seafood exports

By Alice Foster

The UK government and French authorities must do more to resolve the transport chaos around Calais, says the Scottish government after holding a crisis meeting yesterday to probe the impact on Scotland’s seafood exports.

The travel chaos could sink Scottish seafood firms

Calais crisis could sink Scottish seafood firms

By Alice Foster

Scottish seafood businesses could be forced into bankruptcy due to the traffic chaos at Channel ports, as a top UK business group warns of the mounting financial impact of delays to exports.

The British and French government should consider enlisting the help of troops: FTA

Calais chaos: ‘Consider bringing in the troops’: FTA

By Alice Foster

The government should consider enlisting the British Army to end the traffic chaos on this side of the Channel, which is costing the freight industry millions and causing misery for holidaymakers, suggests the Freight Transport Association (FTA).

The Calais area should be made a strike-free zone: FTA

Travel chaos costs freight industry £0.75M a day

By Michael Stones

Travel chaos caused on both sides of the channel by striking French ferry workers is costing the UK freight industry £750,000 a day, as another fatal trans-channel accident was reported on Friday.

The PM should do more to end the chaos in Calais, after today's fatal accident: FTA

Calais migrant death highlights need to end transport chaos

By Michael Stones

The death of migrant while trying to board a freight shuttle to Britain has prompted the Freight Transport Association (FTA) to write to Prime Minister David Cameron urging him to do more to end the chaotic scenes caused by illegal migrants and ferry...