Barry Callebaut

Barry Callebaut supplies food manufacturers and chefs and runs more than 50 factories across the globe

Fire hits Barry Callebaut chocolate facility

By Rod Addy

Fire has damaged Barry Callebaut’s chocolate processing at Banbury in Oxfordshire, but the company has reassured customers that it could maintain normal levels of service by drawing on other facilities.

Barry Callebaut workers have called off planned strikes

Banbury Barry Callebaut workers call off strikes

By Mike Stones

Unite union members at chocolate maker Barry Callebaut’s Banbury site in Oxfordshire have cancelled plans for strikes later this week after agreeing a pay deal with the firm.

Barry Callebaut rejected union claims it had made 'a paltry pay' offer

Barry Callebaut rejects ‘paltry pay offer’ claim after strikes

By Mike Stones

Chocolate maker Barry Callebaut has rejected claims by Unite the union of making “a paltry pay offer”, after more than 100 members of the union staged two one-day strikes on September 22 and 24 at the firm’s Banbury site in Oxfordshire.

Cocoa loco

Cocoa loco

By Michelle Knott

People have been promoting the health benefits of dark chocolate and cocoa for years. But new research goes a step further, elevating cocoa beans to the status of a super fruit, rivalling blueberries, cranberries and pomegranates.

Lean times make mean beans

Lean times make mean beans

In cash-strapped times it's own-label and provenance that will attract consumers to chocolate, says Patrick McGuigan

Original sin

Original sin

Full-bodied, well rounded, with fruity notes, a hint of vanilla and a dash of friendly bacteria. Just how far upmarket can chocolate go? Elaine Watson finds out

Diamond miner

Diamond miner

Cocoa beans are the food industry's new diamonds. Elaine Watson meets the man who's mining their potential