Reconditioned model seals deal

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Reconditioned model seals deal
To ensure that investment can continue despite budgetary restrictions, Quorn Foods has purchased a reconditioned T400 traysealer from Multivac for its plant at Methwold in Norfolk.

The machine was reconditioned at Multivac's factory in Germany and was the site's first purchase of a reconditioned machine.

"I'd received funding for a new machine but, due to circumstances outside my control, some of the budget had been spent on unexpected items,"​ says Quorn's site engineering manager Richard Fathers. "Buying a reconditioned machine meant the project could stay on budget."

Fathers says he has no regrets about making the decision to buy a reconditioned model. "It looks like a new machine, except for the badge, and as I know that all the platterns and the like are new Multivac parts, there's not much to go wrong.

"We've bought into Multivac's planned maintenance schedule for all our machines, which eliminates most problems before they start."

If anything does go wrong, the local Multivac engineer is based locally in Norwich, so problems can be quickly sorted out.

The traysealer, located in the company's high care section, will be used to pack Quorn and Cauldron Foods' products.

Contact: ​Multivac

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