Digest and transform food waste

Related tags Anaerobic digestion Recycling

BioNova's new accelerated aerobic biodigester transforms food waste in around 72h into a nutrient and energy-rich material.

The resultant product can be used as a soil improver or as a biofuel for a biomass boiler to produce cost-effective on-site heating and hot water.

This odour-free biodigester reduces the carbon footprint of waste disposal and also promises energy efficiency, using just 1kW of energy an hour to process between 10kg to 15kg of waste.

The biodigester brings additional health and safety and hygiene benefits by virtually eliminating the need for food waste storage. It also reduces waste volumes for food processors and catering companies by 75%, and enables on-site energy recovery.

Capable of treating 1,000l and upwards (no limit) of organic waste per week, the biodigester also ensures compliance with landfill and Animal By-products regulations relating to organic and process food waste.

Contact: BioNova Recycling

Tel: 0845 658 6929

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