BrewDog attacks Trump and offers him shares

By Laurence Gibbons

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BrewDog boss James Watt has offered Donald Trump some shares in his business
BrewDog boss James Watt has offered Donald Trump some shares in his business
Scottish craft beer brewer BrewDog has offered US presidential candidate Donald Trump shares in the company to quit politics in a witty open letter that attacked the outspoken US billionaire.

BrewDog’s co-founder James Watt wrote to Trump offering him shares in the “fastest growing craft brewery in the United Kingdom”​ as a Christmas present in the hope that it would spark his desire to get back into business and drop out of the presidential race.

“You see, Christmas is a time for peace and goodwill to your fellow man,”​ he wrote in the letter which you can see in full at the bottom of this article.

Gift of shares

“I am making the gift of two equity for punks shares to you with a single aim in mind – that it will spark a desire in you to get back into business, locking yourself in your office, if necessary.

“In turn, hopefully, you will give a gift to the rest of humanity – that you will stop trying to become leader of the free world. Please. Then we can all get on with our lives in that world filled with life, liberty and the pursuit of ‘hoppiness’.”

In the letter, Watt informs Trump where the UK is – “it’s the one on right-hand side of the Atlantic, where we all have tea with the Queen” ​– how BrewDog has secured growth through successful crowdfunding from more than 35,000 people, ships to 56 countries and employs more than 400 people.

He also attacks Trump for his opinions on immigration, opposition to same sex marriage and insulting the disabled.

Outrage and petition

Trump’s advice to ban Muslims entering the US sparked widespread outrage, with more than half a million people signing a petition to prevent him entering the UK.

The Republican party candidate for recommended closing US boarders to Muslims following the San Bernardino terror attack that killed 14 people.

Major of London Boris Johnson took to Twitter to declare he wouldn’t want to go to New Nork through fear of bumping into Trump.

His social media post came after Trump claimed police were too scared to go to certain parts of London because of Islamic extremists.

Top Trump quotes

On Muslims:​ “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.”

On money: ​“Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”

On his giant wall: ​“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”

James Watt’s Christmas letter to Trump

Seasons Greetings, Mr Trump.

My name is James Watt, co-founder of BrewDog, the fastest growing craft brewery in the United Kingdom (it’s the one on right-hand side of the Atlantic, where we all have tea with the Queen).

Anyway, to help BrewDog grow, back in the day we pioneered a revolutionary crowdfunding scheme called Equity For Punks, whereby beer fans from all over the world were granted the ability to invest in our company.


So far, over 35,000 of them have helped us take on bland, industrial beer – I imagine you may be familiar with that – and we now ship to 56 countries, employ more than 400 people, and operate amazing BrewDog craft beer bars on four continents (there are seven in total, Donald).

If you’re reading this and liking it so far, then I’ve got some great news.

You are our newest Equity Punk.

You see Donald, although I admire people in the world of business who are uncompromising in their ambition, all this Presidential stuff is nonsensical. To quote a great countryman of yours – you cannot be serious?

Building a massive wall to keep everyone out? Opposing same sex marriage? Insulting the disabled? Calling immigrants criminals and rapists?!

Your ideas are as misplaced as your hair, sir.

So you may well be wondering how – and why – you are our newest Equity Punk. The first of those is easy. We have made it simpler than ever to give the gift of BrewDog

James Watt BrewDog

shares at Christmas.

You do believe in Christmas, don’t you – sitting there at the top of your Tower, which is probably not at all compensating for something?

You see, Christmas is a time for peace and goodwill to your fellow man. I am making the gift of two Equity for Punks shares to you with a single aim in mind – that it will spark a desire in you to get back into business (locking yourself in your office, if necessary).

In turn hopefully you will give a gift to the rest of humanity – that you will stop trying to become leader of the free world. Please. Then we can all get on with our lives in that world filled with life, liberty and the pursuit of hoppiness.

Merry Christmas,




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