We have assembled an expert line up of speakers, under the chairmanship of Professor Colin Dennis, former president of the Institute of Food Science & Technology and a former director general of Campden BRI.
Avoid product recalls
Speakers will tackle a range of topics, focused on helping managers minimise food safety challenges, which could help to avoid product recalls potentially costing millions of pounds.
Organisations represented at the conference include: The Food Standards Agency (FSA), the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), Society of Food Hygiene and Technology, Public Health England Newcastle, NSF International, Institute of Food Research, Bernard Matthews and others. See some of the speakers below.
Four sessions
The conference will be divided into four sessions:
- Tomorrow’s food safety risks
- Managing the supply chain
- Keeping food safe
- Novel processes and packaging
Meanwhile, for more information and details of the early bird ticket price offer are available here. Alternatively, email Alex Webb at alex.webb@wrbm.com , or call him on tel: 01293 610431. Watch out for more details of the conference programme and speakers next week.
Safe and legal food in a changing world
- Professor Sarah O’Brien, chair of the FSA’s Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF) (University of Liverpool)
- Stephen Pugh, head of labelling, DEFRA
- John Barnes, head of FSA’s Local Delivery Division
- Jenny Morris, chief policy officer, CIEH
- Alan Lacey, director Society of Food Hygiene and Technology
- Dr Kirsty Foster Public Health England Newcastle, consultant in health protection
- Duncan Goodwin, director of technical services NSF International
- Simon Flanagan, RSSL, senior consultant, food allergens
- Dr Sandra Stringer, senior research associate, Institute of Food Research
- Dr Alistair Irvine, manager, food contact compliance, Smithers PIRA
- Jeremy Hall, group technical director, Bernard Matthews