Enzyme extracts valuable protein from by-products

DSM Food Specialties has discovered a new enzyme that can extract valuable protein from animal by-products.

Maxipro HSP is a proteolytic enzyme, or protease, that enables the isolation of valuable protein from animal side streams. It is said to mildly and selectively hydrolyse protein due to its high selectivity for the amino acid histidine. Maxipro HSP can be used to isolate proteins without destroying their sensory or functional properties. DSM says application tests using protein isolated with Maxipro HSP have demonstrated excellent flavour, gelation and water-binding properties in processed meats.

“With an annual production of around 300Mt of meat, an ever- increasing pressure for low-cost production and an escalating shortage of protein in the future, the global meat industry is keen to maximise the potential of all of its by-products,” comments Cindy Gerhardt, innovation manager enzymes at DSM Food Specialties.

Contact: DSM Food Specialties