Integrated system for packaging folded meat and cheese slices

Multivac demonstrated its latest food packaging kit at last month's Emballage trade show in France. One of the highlights on its stand was an integrated packaging system for making folded packs of sliced ham or cheese.

The line consisted of a R535 thermoform packaging machine equipped with servo lifting units and a drawer system, which assures a quick change of the forming dies. To fold packs, the R 535 was equipped with a folding station and an MR 625 OP labeller. To ensure product quality, the end of line consisted of a MBS 105 conveyor belt system with an integrated metal detector.

Multivac also displayed an R 095 e-concept thermoform packaging machine. This is designed for packaging small production lots. The machine has been hygienically designed and is equipped with a drive system that eliminates the need for compressed air, while a closed circuit cooling system removes the need for external water connections.

Contact: Multivac