X-ray gets to the bottom of issue

The interference caused by domed bases of bottles, jars and cans when X-ray scanning for contaminants has troubled manufacturers across the food processing industry.

The problem arises from the difficulty perpendicular horizontal beam X-ray systems experience in avoiding blind spots created by the higher density of the bases. Contaminants could be hidden by these blind spots, causing users to question the efficacy of their inspection equipment.

In response to this need, Mettler Toledo Safeline has launched the FluidCheK X-ray inspection system. This uses an angled X-ray beam focused at the base of the product. Contaminants are usually denser than the surrounding liquid resulting in them sinking to the bottom of a container.

By concentrating on the bottom, the system can be moved much closer to the product, reducing the distance the X-ray beam must travel to the detector. This increases the quality of the image and improves the probability of detection without touching the product, which may result in damaged labels and product handling issues.

The system is also equipped with XTP software for contamination detection. This analyses each pixel in the X-ray image so that even small changes in a product can be identified.

The system's quality control will aid manufacturers in complying with local and international regulations, retailer requirements and hazard analysis critical control point practices.

Contact: MettlerToledo Safeline

Tel: 01763 25 7900