Let supply chain games commence

A contest is being launched in several nations this year, pitching teams against each other in a race to turn around the supply chain of a fictional...

A contest is being launched in several nations this year, pitching teams against each other in a race to turn around the supply chain of a fictional fruit juice company.

The Fresh Connection online game is being held separately but simultaneously in countries including the UK, Holland, Belgium, the US, Switzerland, Italy and Denmark.

It is open to teams of four people, who take the roles of sales, operations, production and supply chain personnel. In the UK, the final showdown will be held at Wembley Stadium. Teams play weekly turns for six weeks with weekly updates. The aim is to get the highest return on investment.

UK heats begin on February 1 and culminate just before Easter, with results given just afterwards. There are plans for nations to compete against each other, possibly in 2011.

John Perry, md of UK organiser Scala Group, which has the rights to the game in the UK and Ireland, said it was created to foster best practice, adding: "It's attracting great interest among the people we're talking to."