Do you know what your annual spend is on packaging and what proportion of this goes on pallet stretch-wrap film? If you do know the true cost per pallet then you are probably in the minority, suggests BPI Films, manufacturer of stretch-wrap products.
As a result of having helped many companies to reduce their transit packaging costs, BPI Films has now launched a consultancy service to help companies benefit from a complete stretch-wrap audit. The audit includes a review of the choice of film and the application processes. The aim is to increase wrapping efficiency and reduce wrapping costs.
The free service is open to all firms, not just BPI'S customers. Sales director Alex Begley says: "It is easy to continue using the same film for years, but a clear way of testing its value is the cost per pallet. A common misconception is that the thickest film is the strongest and will better protect goods. However, 14 micron films can be as strong as a 17 micron or 20 micron film.
"Many companies would benefit from using a thinner, higher performing film. As well as providing cost savings this will mean less film for disposal, helping companies to comply with packaging waste regulations."
Contact: BPI Films; Tel: 01568 617200