Uni-Lite fantastic

Microbiology and life sciences products supplier Biotrace has launched the latest version of its Uni-Lite hygiene monitoring instrument in response...

Microbiology and life sciences products supplier Biotrace has launched the latest version of its Uni-Lite hygiene monitoring instrument in response to demands for faster results and enhanced data handling.

The Uni-Lite NG device uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence technology, which reveals the presence of microbes (which contain ATP).

It provides feedback in seconds as to whether surfaces or equipment are sufficiently clean for production.

Combined with data trending software and USB connectivity, the Uni-Lite NG allows users to capture results for hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) programmes and produce more detailed management reports, says the company.

Contact: Biotrace International, Tel: 01656 641 400