In a nutshell: When it comes to liquid milk, look no further than Robert Wiseman Dairies. While rival dairy processors have branched out into cheese, milkshakes, yoghurts and butter, Wiseman is totally focused on the white stuff, churning out more than one billion litres a year and turning over the best part of £500m
History: Founded in East Kilbride by Robert Wiseman senior in 1947 with a horse and cart delivering milk to the doorstep market, Robert Wiseman Dairies has spent the last decade marching steadily southwards, and now has five dairies in Aberdeen, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Manchester and Droitwich Spa. Although Asda's recent move to switch its entire liquid milk business to Arla Foods cost Wiseman £70m, it has since clawed back much of the lost trade with new business from Sainsbury and Tesco and continues to boost its presence in the mid market and convenience sector
Brands you'd recognise: Mainly supplies own label liquid milk to the leading supermarkets, but also supplies milk under the famous black and white Wiseman brand, Fresh'n'Lo and new 1% fat brand, theOne
The strategy: To churn out top quality liquid milk for the retail sector at the lowest unit cost, from the biggest, most efficient dairies in the country. In the short term, it's hell bent on slugging it out with rivals Dairy Crest and Arla to win the all important own-label supermarket contracts. But it is also making inroads into the market controlled by dairies supplying small and mid market retailers with branded milk. It is also scouting around for the best spot to build dairy number six in the south west of England and has a shortlist of suitable sites
Where you'd work: Based in East Kilbride, the company employs more than 3,600 staff at five dairies and 13 depots across the UK, so there are opportunities nationwide
Do say at interview: I'm deadly serious about the white stuff
Don't say at interview: Arla was my first choice, but I thought I'd give you a try
Contact: 01355 244261