RSSL: Vegan Food and Drink Manufacturing Considerations



With more people than ever before choosing to remove or limit their intake of animal-derived products, manufacturers are keen to develop suitable vegan and vegetarian alternatives to satisfy growing market demand. But what does a vegan claim actually mean and how can on-pack labelling be substantiated?

This White Paper, authored by Jessica Sage (RSSL's Food Safety and Quality Consultant), provides a fascinating guide to the complexities around making a vegan claim, key manufacturing considerations including the vital role of risk assessments, supplier assurance and packaging controls, the pros and cons of different analytical testing methods and much more.

This content is provided by Reading Scientific Services Limited (RSSL), and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of

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Vegan food production: avoiding the potential pitfalls

Vegan food production: avoiding the potential pitfalls

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With Veganuary once again placing veganism in the spotlight, RSSL outlines the challenges facing manufacturers wanting to embrace this booming sector of the market by developing a vegan food product

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