Food manufacturers to learn the benefits of automation

Food manufacturers can learn how to cut energy and build a net zero factory

Food manufacturers can learn how to cut energy consumption by up to 80% and build a net zero food factory using the latest automation technologies.

That is what will be discussed at the Net Zero Food Manufacturing Event on Thursday, 16th June that will be held at the University of Lincoln, with exclusive coverage from Food Manufacture. 

The event will combine expert guest speakers with demonstrations of the very latest in robotic, automation and artificial intelligence-based technologies so attendees can learn how best to adopt these technologies. 

Improve sustainability

Attendees will also get to experience first-hand OAL, which helps food and beverage companies using automation technologies to improve sustainability within their businesses.

Speakers include the chief executive of Go-Tan, a leading sauce manufacturer from the Netherlands, that will share its automation journey following the adoption of the APRIL cooking and powder weighing systems. Other speakers include OAL owner Harry Norman, Professor Mark Swainson, University of Lincoln, Food Industry Digitalisation and Dr Wayne Martindale, University of Lincoln – Food Insights & Sustainability

Martindale told Food Manufacture: “If you can build in sustainability in the new product development process or the manufacturing process that sustainability stays in that supply chain. And if the quality of the product meets the consumer expectation it is less likely that they will waste that food. Good design creates good behaviour and less waste.”

Integrate technologies

He added: “We need to work with companies like OAL as they integrate technologies into processes.” 

He also said that one way of getting to a Net zero position is by reducing waste and one of the ways to do this is by knowing how much product is in our supply chain at any one time by using technology.

The event is designed for senior food processing and industry professionals looking to learn how robotics and automation will transform their food businesses. 

Register your Interest:

To register your interest on what promises to be a highly educational and informative day, visit Net Zero Food Manufacturing - 16th June contact