Spring malting barley could succeed brewing standard

A high-yield spring malting barley has been hailed as a potential successor to the industry standard after receiving approval for malt distilling from the Institute for Brewing & Distilling (IBD).

In private trials, KWS Sassy had shown to provide a 12% higher yield in Scotland compared with Concerto – the industry standard – while offering lower screenings and a similar grain nitrogen content, according to plant breeder KWS.

Added to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board recommended list in 2016, KWS Sassy has attracted interest from distillers, said Will Compson, KWS cereals product manager.

‘Searching for a successor’

“Growers and distillers have been searching for a successor variety to Concerto for several years and their patience has been rewarded,” he said. “We expect it to be very popular.”

It was noted for being quick to establish and showing good tillering, said Eddie Douglas, commercial director for maltster Bairds Malt – which tested the barley on its farm and conducted two distilling tests to further establish its suitability.

“Grain size and quality was either consistent or better than the industry standard,” he added.

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