GroceryAid appoints new president
Higginson is to replace former president Andrew Moore – Asda chief merchandising officer.
He brings more than 30 years of experience in the grocery sector, having held senior management positions at Unilever, Guinness and Tesco.
Commenting on his appointment, Higginson said: “I am honoured and humbled to be asked to take on this vital role.
“I am thrilled to be working with the GroceryAid team and the trade to drive the charity forward as we build on the excellent progress made by my predecessors.”
‘Drive the charity forward’
GroceryAid has also appointed Booker chief executive Charles Wilson as its vice-president.
Wilson started his career in 1986 with Procter & Gamble and has served as executive director for clothing business Arcadia Group and Marks & Spencer.
Wilson commented: “I am delighted to support GroceryAid and Andy with this new role as the charity is very dear to my heart.
“I am excited about working with colleagues across the supply chain to ensure we support grocery people in need as effectively as possible.”
The roles of president and vice-president are new to GroceryAid and will replace the previous position of president of the fundraising committee.
Moore added: “It has been a real pleasure to work with GroceryAid, a charity whose values are very much in keeping with my own.
‘Help thousands of grocery colleagues’
“I am so proud to have had the opportunity to help thousands of grocery colleagues in need during my tenure as fundraising president.”
GroceryAid chairman Ruston Smith congratulated Higginson and Wilson on their appointments and thanked Moore for his contribution to the charity.
Chief executive Steve Barnes paid tribute to Moore: “Andrew has provided attentive, thoughtful and calm leadership for GroceryAid at a time of great change in our organisation and challenging trading in the industry.
“This is exactly what we needed and means we now assist more grocery people in need than ever before.”
Last year saw the charity appoint William Reed senior executive Lorraine Hendle to its board of trustees.
Meanwhile, Barnes told about his work with the charity in his first six months as chief executive.