Ideal Foods makes use of ACS&T facilities in Grimsby

Ideal Foods makes use of  ACS&T facilities in Grimsby
Ideal Foods, a specialist supplier of whitefish, shellfish and tuna based in Liskeard, Cornwall, has selected food logistics firm ACS&T to supply blast freezing and cold storage services in Grimsby for the company's chilled and frozen fish.

ACS&T provides an on-site facility for Ideal Foods at its Grimsby centre – close to all major fish suppliers – so it can help Ideal carry out product testing and quality checks as soon as possible after delivery.

Ideal Foods delivers approximately 120 pallets of chilled food a week to ACS&T’s plant in Grimsby where it is frozen. Another 150 pallets of frozen goods are handled every week, along with other products in various formats to Ideal’s specification for delivery anywhere across its global customer base. In total, ACS&T holds around 1,250 pallets of products for Ideal Foods in its cold storage facility every week, and this can rise to around 1,800 or even 2,500 at peak demand times.

ACS&T operates from four sites in Grimsby, Wolverhampton, Tewkesbury and Scarborough and the estate includes 12 cold stores, and three ambient stores.

Contact: ACS&T​           

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